Im sick of having to write this in every thread which asks about a "gaming laptop". so i just leave this here in the hope people will see it before they post.
Why you dont want a "gaming laptop":
I've got a nice desktop, but I love kicking back on the couch and gaming on my laptop. I use a USB mouse with it, so I see no drawbacks with laptop gaming whatsoever...
there is no such thing as a gaming laptop. gaming is about the experience. so;
a: you need to be able to concentrate on it.
Makes no sense whatsoever
b: you need a large screen
No you don't
c: you need to be comfortable
I'm more comfortable laying back on the couch with my laptop than in my very nice desk chair
d: you need good sound
My laptop has good sound
e: you need good mouse and keyboard
The keyboard is fine, and I use a USB mouse
f: you want something powerful as the more fluid a game can be the more enjoyment you will get
Laptops aren't as powerful, but they're definitely good enough for gaming, and they're portable too
d: your system needs to be able to disperse heat, something all laptops have a problem with. especially after 6 months of dust
I've been gaming on this laptop for over 6 months and there is no dust buildup =P
and if you dont care about all of that, and still think you will have a good gaming experience on a 15inch screen on a bus, please consider:
a:everything in your laptop has a lifespan of 2 years, after which your money is completely wasted. as you wont be able to upgrade sufficiently.
I seriously have no idea what you are talking about here. You can easily sell a laptop on eBay...
b: the case you pay for in a laptop gets thrown away
c: the keyboard gets thrown away
d: the touch pad gets thrown away
e: the motherboard gets thrown away
f: the power supply gets thrown away
g: the monitor gets thrown away
h: cpu thrown away
i: ram thrown away
j: hard drives, thrown away
k: cd/dvd drives thrown away
I still don't understand your logic there, but okay..
with a desktop, when things are a little out of date, you can keep almost all of these components and just buy a new motherboard, or cpu, or graphics card etc. making desktops better for the world and better for your pocket.
also consider
a: laptop is easy to steal
Don't be stupid and leave it lying around in public places
b: a gaming laptop will be targeted especially to steal
See above..
c: you will look like a nerdy rich kid
If you're posting on a PC forum, sorry, but you're a nerd, lol.. Nobody cares if you look like a nerd...
have i talked you out of it yet??
lol, not quite....
can someone STICKY THIS POST please?? because every day there is someone asking about a "gaming laptop", and another person crying that their new "gaming laptop" performs like crap, overheats, was a waste of money. it really annoys me and ever gamer/techie really knows that gaming laptops are overpriced peices of crap that no one should be looking at buying.
I got my laptop on sale for $600 and it will play any game on the market just fine. And I haven't had a single problem with it yet. Newer chips run much cooler. Gaming on laptops is flippin awesome IMO...
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