I don't hate it per se, but I don't thinkit nearly deserves the attention it gets. Prepare yourselves, this will be a long post.
I first started the game after my friends spent half a year pressuring me to play it. I thought to myself "Hey, it can't be that bad if 8 million people play it", so I got the trial.
At first I was horribly disappointed. The graphics resembled something you'd find in the rectum of a dead cat on the side of the road, The gameplay was tedious, and The combat was very repetitive. I got to level 3 and quit for about a month.
A month later, I decided to give it another shot. I endured through the graphics and gameplay long enough to get out of the noob area. By the time I got to around level 16, my trial expired and I bought the real game, because it didn't seem so bad. I made it to level 27 doing quests, instances, grinding and the like. The whole journey up to 27 was new and exciting for me, seeing as I had never played before. However, by the time I hit about 24, things began to get repetitive. It seemed like i'd just run the same instance 5 times in a row, then do hundreds of quests that ended up being the same thing with different text (It's also important to note that the text was so horribly pointless and boring to read that I just skipped everything). By the time I hit level 27, I just gave up. Not only was the questing tedious, but the community was so immature and stupid, that I couldn't handle it anymore. I felt like putting my foot through my monitor reading some of the things people say.
Before I ever played WoW, I hadplayed Final Fantasy XI and gotten to level 30 on it, maybe this was the reason why I couldn't stand WoW. FFXI has a kind, mature community, and the game has an actual plot and the quests are challenging, lengthy, and fun to do. Completeing a quest in FFXI felt good, whereas in WoW it just made me more angry because i knew the NPC was just gonna pitch another useless "kill X amount of X monsters" quest at me once i completed the current one.
Looking at my level 70 friend on WoW was another reason that made me quit. The endgame was so horribly pointless and repetitive, and that's your reward for getting to level 70. You spend mind-numbing hours raiding the same dungeons to hopefully be the lucky person out of a 26 man group to ge tthe drop that comes 5% of the time. After that you simply go PvP the same 5 BGs until Blizzard releases new armor, at which point you have to repeat the boring process.
And that's my story. I no longer play FFXI or WoW, but I don't think WoW is as bad as some people make it up to be. Sure I said alot of bad things about it, but it has its redeeming qualities. But its simply not enough to warrant an 8million player community.
My belief for how WoW got so many subscribers: First off, the game was made by Blizzard, and was marketed well/ Those two factors alone probably created a very large fanbase right from the top. Not only that, but It has Warcraft in its name, which was previously a very popular RTS series. So basically you have your Blizzard fans, Warcraft fans, and people that succumbed to massive advertising playing the game. Because it had such a high number of subscribers, people thought to themselves "Gee, it must be an amazing game", and a whoole new wave of people joined. And the more people that join, the more people become interested in the game because it has X million amount of players. This, paired with the fact that WoW is a relatively easy MMO to get used to, gaveit the numbers it has today.
And that concludes the longest post I personally have ever created.
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