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I quit playing WoW because I was too addicted and it took over my life. The only thing I hate about WoW is the fact that it gives people the urge to say they hate it to people who dont care day after day. There has been millions of threads like this all over the internet, and there will be millions more.
You say, " I hate World of Warcraft. "
Everyone else says, " Ok? "
I think people are being a little harsh.
To say that entire WoW community is immature is stupid, its the biggest thing on the market obviously your going to see a lot of morons. Its like this in any other online game, Halo 3? They're there. Counter-Strike? They're there.Imagine if SSB:M somehow had 8 million online players on the Wii, im sure they'd all be mature adults (And I dont mean that to be a jab at Nintendo's kiddy imagine)
No it is immature.. And its really pathetic that you must resort to shooters that are free in multiplayer as a comparison.. WoW as a MMO community is god awful and no matter what you say there still is a disportionately large amount of idiots, little kids, jerks, etc etc..
In regards to the monthly fee.. it doesnt bother me. I used to spend $60 a paycheck on a new game so, $120 a month. Since starting WoW 2 years ago I havnt bought a single game (Ive had stuff given to me).. so lets see $120 * 24 months playing = $2,880 saved. God bless you Blizzard :PYes I agree if you can't afford $.50 a month then you really shouldn't be complaining, not to mention no one is stopping you from bying it..
Btw I do realize my "situation" isnt the norm, but Im just giving my side of the story :)
And to anyone who would just say the gameplay is boring, id say there probably arnt many memorable/epic fights until you get to start raiding. But IMO once your downed an epic boss the first time ande veryone'scheering on vent and you stand up and pump your firt in total excitement, its just awesome. I love it.
Thats funny I got to those fights with 2 characters.. At the end game.. Its whatkilled it for me because those raids are awful.. Epic is not the term I would use.. Epic is not grinding areas for 2 to 4 hours a day for 4 days a week for points to get a drop... Yeah awesome, listening to some moron on the mic saying "ok guys we have this really tough fight (its relaly not it requires competence thats all) stand here and here, pay attention to warnings and just keep spamming!"
You dont like raiding with people cause theres 24 others and a 5% drop rate? Your raiding with the wrong guild. I consider myself a friend with every member of my guild, dont you like seeing your friends have fun?? Its a great feeling to see your MT get his helm after it hadnt dropped for a month. I feel happy for him and him being happy makes me happy. Still selfish and want all the loot for yourself? Then your an ass, and dont _deserve_ to be raiding in your guild. /gquit plz k thx.
THATS THE POINT, these raids arn't fun and I pity any one who says otherwise.. In the end majority of all raiding is easy as hell, and requires numerous amounts o fitme...
If clicking a button and watching a spell be cast, or a sword swing is boring..
No clicking a sword is alright and all.. But it gets mighty boring when I am forced to spam 3 to 5 skills for hours on end..
How is clicking a button to throw a footballfun - when you can play real football?
Gee maybe because I have numerous plays and it constantly changes.. WoW is anything but unpredictable and in the end the hardest part in most raids is communcation and competence of the team not your actual enemy..
How is clicking a button to shoot a rocket launcher at a purple alien fun- when you can go play outdoor paintball?
Yes because I can so shoot paintballs at my feet and launch 20 feet in the air.. That I can instantly talk to all of my team mates and it doesn't cost tons of money to do.. Paintballing is cool and all but its expensive, is no where near as easy to get into as a video game.. And Paintballs do not represent alot of shooters...
Meh, just thought id rant.
Edit: Eeeer wtf is my spacebar not working? lol
To conclude I am by no means against MMO's I am just disgusted to what WoW is.. Really imo its dumbed down in just every way possible.. There is a reason why there is a overabundence of 12 year olds.. And it was one of the reason why I refused to go on vent with pug's.. Because chances are you would get 1 or 2 little kids screaming over their mic.
I went through an MMO hating phase when I was like 15...then I played EQ and loved it. Now I'll never play one again but I really get the feeling a lot of people slam WoW because it's so popular and adored and it seems to not take any "skill" like Team Fortress 2 or CS do.
Most of the people who hate it have probably never played it and they just hate it because of how excluded "from the group" they feel when people they know start talking about it. Because they don't understand it, it's cognitively more comfortable to declare the information useless and petty which causes you to react in an annoyed fashion when people do talk about it.
The information is useless but so is the information you know about the games you care about...
Stop hating on PC bretheren :P
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