From what Ive read and heard on forums, and reviews (lucky me that Im european and can read german I guess :S), it is pretty much the same thing they bring up.
CoP is alot like SoC, it has even less humans, and a bigger emphathys on exploration then the other two. It is a more "lonely" experience, with the land again having a bigger role (was missing all together in CS).
A lot of the systems from CS has been implemented, reparing/modifying, finding anomalties and artifacts, and guides to lead you.
It is an entirely new area, quite different, altho most reviews and users on forums say that things are placed fairly near one another, and stashes has been reworked.
bugs are near none existent sofar, and the game runs alot better then any of the previous games ever did, and looks good.
It gets marks down for being shorter then the two other games (around 15 or so hours), and the graphics engine shows age, so altho effects are still very good, the same muddy textures are fairly much like those you saw in SoC or CS.
Oh and the story is said to be good for once O.o
Metro 2033 is pretty much unproven, but looks quite good, there is not really alot of exploration, since it is a corridor shooter, and the novel it is build on is quite good.
Despite being a corridor shooter, this one might turn out decent, it does have good graphics, altho That aspect never ment much to me.
They do promise that the game will not be like FO3s metro system, but a far more unique set of areas. The game focuses on alot of what stalker focuses on, with no big surprise since there is more then a handful of the original Stalker guys working on this one aswell. Even voice acting is done by some of the same people from time to time ;).
Out of the gate, I will get CoP first, it is the cheaper game, and STALKER is a proven francise to me. Metro is not, I plan on getting it, but if it gets a really low score (doubt it) Ill pass.
Both games appeal to me, so I am getting both :P
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