Get a Cleanex and dry those righteous tears before posting next time.
And to answer the original questions. Yes, I have had it preordered since the N7 edition was announced. Most people on the DLC issue are just butthurt that they are out of CE (which the devs told them would happen) and think that they should get the same content as the CE people did, while paying $20 less. IMO it's a big todoo about nothing. ME2 had day 1 DLC as well and the furor was much less dramatic. It probably has a lot to do with [spoiler] the DLC companion being a Prothean [/spoiler] which to tell you the truth is not a huge deal for me. I am much more interested in the companions from the previous games, if they messed with that, yeah I would be pissed, but not with a ancillary character.
So people can't get angry over something that should be free? Ea's attempt to defend it buy saying it wasn't given to the ESRB with the game is just BS. If there wasn't enough time to get it on the disc then EA should just make it free to download through Origin, PSN, and Live.
I disagree with many things surrounding the game's release like this Day 1 DLC cut-out of an important story/universe element(a Prothean squad member) and Bioware's attempts of defending it,inclusion of an unnecessary MP component,while Im also boycotting ALL products using Origin...
I also feel like the game is catering to the casuals way too much.Now I do understand how ME series was never supposed to be a "hardcore" RPG,but more of a light "space opera",but ME3 looks way too much like an ordinary TPS game...
I think Bioware purposely had the DLC be developed later so they could give us the excuse of it not being ready when Mass Effect 3 went to the ESRB. But ya even though Im getting it simply because I want to see the story end I'm not expecting an RPG. Im basically expecting Call of Duty in space because god forbid someone have to go back and play the first 2 games or not have a game with fast paced action, guns, and all out war right? If the MP was the reason Mass Effect 3 didn't come out last year then that just really shows how much bioware has sold out. I miss the days of playing Mass Effect 1 when it had that RPG feel and even though you were using guns you knew you were playing and RPG. I swear if I ever meet someone one who only played 3 and said 1 sucked because it wasn't fast paced enough and confused them I'm going to punch them in the face lol.
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