[QUOTE="GummiRaccoon"][QUOTE="KLONE360"]This guys is declaring war on XP and anything older then 5 min.KLONE360
Just so you know, windows 7 is faster than windows xp.
Also I've had this windows 7 machine running for about 6 months now and I have yet to get a bsod. Thats the first time I have ever had a span that long.
This is the most significant POSITIVE change for me since going from win 3.11 to win95.
Give linux a try. No BSOD ever. Runs great. As for the speed proof? Win7 stability isnt just with BSOD and such. I have had one BSOD but I just disregarded it as some error that could be ignored. I have had 7 for months now. I have found that programs like to go into the not responding state. Especially older ones. I dont like that. I mean I REALLY DONT LIKE THAT. I like playing my old games. RA2 wont even run. What can I say. Every OS sucks.http://www.deadtroll.com/index2.html?/video/ossuckscable.html~content I cant stand old horror movies. It makes no real sense to me. Most of the monsters move as fast as a retired tortoise and ppl could just jog away and live to jog another day. But thats what ppl liked back then.I never really got into linux more than a casual curiousity. And when I said no bsod for 6 months being the longest I've ever seen, that applies to windows boxes in the home. I've seen some computers that have been working flawlessly for years and years.
The only stability issue I've really noticed is that for whatever reason when I shut down the computer a program or 2 will suddenly delay the shut down because it stopped responding. Which doesnt really affect me since, I just force shut down and viola.
Oh, I also cannot get Doom3 to work properly with patch 1.3 on my windows 7 64bit machine. But I've only put like 30 minutes into as I don't really care about doom3.
*edit: Now that I think about it, doom3 always had problems no matter what machine I put it on it seems. Back when it came out I spent hours and hours trying different drivers and whatnot to see if I could get doom to work the way it was meant to.
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