....I think W2 is the first game that might actually have TOO much story. Good God, it's positively weighed down with it. Five minutes of a quest or fight then you run smack-dab into another cust-scene, or cut-scene with back story, or ten minutes of dialog with ten NPCs. I feel like I'm boxed in by the game's plot. I do understand that this isn't an open-world RPG, but....I'm somewhere in the second act, and trying really, really hard to like the game, but it's never really gelled for me. I feel like I'm on rails.
Anyone else agree?
PS--1. Yes, I'm a bro, and this story is cool. 2. TLDR version - Don't like W2 much. 3. And, no, I'm not blogging this. 4. o.0 (feel free to use)
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