Man, I found the first fight with Letho incredibly hard.Otherwise it seemed about okay to me on normal difficulty
I must've got lucky because I defeated him right away but that (*SPOILER*) cutscene through me off where you beat him but then he kinda beats you and runs away. I thought I did something wrong so I re-did. It took me a number of tries after that to re-accomplish it. I loved most every minute of it though!
And to the OP, right around where you were finding it easy I did go ahead and bump it up to hard. There is also Insane above that. Rather than pondering out loud get to it already! Witcher 2 is NOT too easy; you just need to up the difficulty.
I believe Normal is for slightly more casual gamers than would spend time posting at Gamespot. That's a generalization of course but I don't see myself as the ultimate min-maxer uberpawner guy at all. Yet, I do routinely feel as I progress through games that if I am playing on Normal then I'm NOT getting my moneysworth.
However, I did start Crysis 2 on Normal, upped it to hard but now on my second playthrough, I'm just going Normal the whole time. Clobbering armored aliens with barefists, handgun and the occassional Scar rifle for when the sh*t gets thick is a great way to get a superhero vibe out of one of the few FPS's with metapowers. (I also like Lilith in Borderlands for the same reason.)
When I first saw this title though, I thought. "Hmm. Yes. The Witcher 2 is too easy. Also, the sun is too cold and the Pope isn't very Catholic." ;-D
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