Holding off - Witcher 2 was very consolized and pc reviews have been withheld. Lots of reviews are pure hyperbole, espcailly the console oriented ones.
So full of BS
How so? Witcher 2 had considerably simplistic combat, with QTE's, out of third third person stealth sections and pretty bad imbalance, you can win the game with bombs basically doing nothing.
Given how it's PS4 copies being put out first, before the pc version, it seems coupled with the Witcher 2, it seems fairly logical to take a step back before the plunge.
Yes, the reviews are coming in high, as they did with Bioshock, Mass Effect 2, Skyim and a whole bunch of games (in retrospect) people dislike, myself included. Maybe if I was young I'd be hoping up and down, but i'v seen it all before.
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