1. It does not really make a difference in terms of end capability.
2. Horde, from my experience, tends to wind PvP battleground more frequently.
3. Alliance is more popular in terms of population because theyre A.) the "good" guys (though horde isnt necessarily evil, they do have an unconventional, tribal outlook on things at times...plus the Forsaken and Blood Elves dont help their cause at having a "good guy" reputation), and B.) theyre pretty. As a result, they get more people and more immature people, but they also get more chill people that are fun. More people also makes it easier to get a group rolling for dungeons.
4. It varies from server to server. Ive played for four years and started as horde, so naturally I loved horde. This past year when a new server opened up, I went ally and made that my main character and I love allance. My friend is horde however so I play both! Thats the beauty of it.
In short, I guess it boils down to what race and faction you think is coolest. Do you want to be a voodoo-practicing, rastafarian-talking Troll rogue for the honorable Horde, skulking in the shadows and backstabbing fools? or do you want to be a cute female Dreanei paladin (complete with tail and horns!, worshiping the Light, protecting party members, and serving the noble Alliance?
Also, since youre starting, let me give you a few pointers so you can get the most enjoyment out of the game. These are just some things Ive learned along the way that I think allow me to enjoy the game more and not get burnt out.
1. Join a social guild. Its an MMO; a third of the point of playing an MMO is to meet a lot of cool people and get along with them, socialize, and do dungeons and share equipment and stuff.
2. Avoid raiding guilds. period. These people spend hours every week (if not every day) doing the same raid over and over (a raid is a superdifficult, superlengthy dungeon usually requiring 10 or more people with small chances of getting really good loot). If you commit to a raiding guild, WoW will be all the social life you get, and you dont want that.
3. Take your time leveling. There is a lot to WoW, and a lot of good reading, story, and cool quests. Take your time, enjoy yourself. Leveling is fairly easy in WoW as it is so you can be 60 within a few months if you play casually, 70 shortly after that, and 80 within a month of that.
4. Dont go after crazy good equipment like crazy. 1-60, you are gaining levels quickly enough that any gear you get simply isnt worth devoting 15 hours to getting that level 48 epic dagger when you will be 56 withing a couple weeks. Once you get to Outlands (BC expansion), good gear is easy enough to get simply by questing or running each dungeon once or twice. Same with Northrend (Wrath of the Lich King expansion).
5. If you get bored, give it a break. I usually take two or three 1-month breaks from WoW per year. Maybe the summer is coming and I want to enjoy the outdoors for a while. Maybe I've been spending a little bit too much time and need to get out more. It varies, but breaks are good, and when you come back you enjoy WoW a lot more, but youre also a little more careful with how much time you spend with it.
Hope Ive been helpful.
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