spore, starcraft 2, stalker, empire: total war, disciples 3, jagged alliance 3, demigod, society, vampyre story, dragon age, afterfall, guild wars 2, warhammer online, age of conan, battlefield heroes, battlefield 3, savage 2, grey matter, dawn of war 2, sims 3, divine divinity 2, deus ex 3.
i just pulled some from the awesome AdrianWerner's pc gamers' 2008 wet dream guide, and these are all pc exclusives. i mean, wouldn't you just be happy with these. with all the devs crying foul at pc games not selling well, shouldn't we just abandon all multiplatform games and just support the pc exclusives, so they can make tons of money and produce even more awesome pc exclusive games? no more ea and their pc shunning ways (actually, i think spore shouldn't be on that list - it's also coming out on the wii?). no more crytek crying over lost profit because of piracy (and i'm sure ea put them up to it). no more iw crying about not being able to afford their sixth ferrari. just pc gaming. at its finest.
who's with me???!!!
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