My opinion? Yeah... the story is a mess.
Why so much emphasis on the story? It's not THAT bad.... it's NOT a mess. Did the movies have story worthy of the best Story Award in History? The story in ToR is classic Star Wars....what did u expect, an Oscar Winning Drama?
What I expected from the plot was something a bit more organized than that. Star Wars in general doesnt exactly have good plots (characters are easily their strongest point). But this is taking it too far. Who knows, maybe the characters will be good but going by Bioware history, they will mostly just be the typical bland 1-2 dimentional characters we see in pretty much every Bioware game.
KOTOR 1 was so-so. The writing was bad, the plot was uncreative, the characters were realy hit and miss and the combat was pretty weak. It had a strong Star Warsy atmosphere, but that alone was not enough to carry all the game's faults.
Throne of Cheese had several problems. The story was completely forgettable, the character development was pretty much non-existant, the ruleset was not balanced for such high levels, nor was it balanced for RTWP.
Mass Effect was just a bad game. Storywise, the plot is lackluster, the setting is uncreative, of the characters, 2 were downright annoying, 1 was as bland as it could get (got fixed in the sequel however), another 1 was a mary sue and 1 is an idiot. Only Wrex was was decent in the cast. Story aside the gameplay wasnt special either, in fact there was not a single good thing about it. The dialogue is completely ruined thanks to the dialogue wheel and paraphrasing, the exploration was ruined by the copy pasta the side quests were and the linear nature of the main quests, the vehicle sections were ruined by bad controls and absolutely no feel, oh and the foot combat was horribe thanks to the uninteresting spells to use, terrible gunplay and hp bloated enemies. With the exception of Wrex and the main theme, I could not find a single redeeming quality about Mass Effect.
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