[QUOTE="Vastano"] [QUOTE="Elann2008"]Tauren or Orc. Taurens look so badass with epic'ed out gear. Beast. I would stay on the Horde. I've played Alliance toons most of my WoW career and it's very disappointing if you pvp.. And you tend to run into more immature people on the alliance side. To each their own. Myrkan
I agree, Taurens look great when fully geared. And the immaturity comes from most of the alliance being children who play WoW (with their naive thoughts that the good guys should always win -.-). Yeah, so stay Horde and go Tauren :)
There are no good guys in WoW. The Alliance likes to think they are more civilized and all (this is game lore, not the players, mind you), and the Horde likes to think people should have their own unique cultures without being held back by the rules of the alliance. For example, some of the night elves didnt want their own to practice magic, and cast them out. Instead of allowing them to build perhaps another empire that was still part of the alliance, they were basically outcasts and eventually became high elves. The High Elves still found a place within the alliance, although not a prominent part. Once they became Blood Elves, the Alliance once again cast them out. The Horde took them in, and allowed them to build their own unique culture without being judged.
Let me put it this way.
The undead on the horde arent evil, their leader is Sylvanas Windrunner, the high elf Arthas killed. Sylvanas then created the Forsaken, and basically their only goal is revenge on the scourge.the undead create a plague they unleash upon the living, killing both horde and alliance who had united and were about to fight arthas at the wrath gate(bolvar, the dude in sw keep got kiled cuz of this).sylvannas had ordered the creation of the plague but varimathras double-crossed her with it so she went and cried to Thrall to help.
The Tauren were a nomadic race, barely surviving with their Centuar enemies destroying them. Their culture resembles that of perhaps the Native Americans. They are strongly in tune with nature, their god being the Earth Mother. After Thrall helped them survive, they joined the Horde.if any race is like native americans, its the night elves. the tauren are more like some random tribe in asia or africa.
The Trolls...Well, there isnt much lore besides the fact that the Darkspear trolls decided to break off from the others and join the horde...I dont really know much about them, but they werent ever a real campaign or anything in the Warcraft games.they used to be really messed up like zul'jin but then they were cast out of the troll empires and attacked by murlocs when thrall saved them.
The Orcs were never really evil. They didnt really know who the humans were until they decided to attack them. Thrall, who was raised by humans, eventually became their leader. Forming the Orcish Horde and building Orgrimmar. (the first two warcraft games arent very fresh in memory, so I apologize if I missed anything...)as a child, orgrim doomhammer was saved by some dranei after getting lost in a forest. when he grew up he commited genocide on them along with therest of the horde.
I already explained the Blood Elves.i used to go out of my way in battlegrounds to kill blood-elves
the entire horde except for the trolls and tauren is evil. and i would think that most 10-year olds would roll horde because they want to be the *bad guys*. on the doomhammer server, most of the alliance is pretty much pro. the only bad thing is the spam in IF. but you could easily enable spam filters in the options. if you think alliance conversations go nowhere, go to barrens chat. i believe the horde set the record for most chuck norris jokes told in a minute.
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