Often times you can't break down by hardware how a console is comparble to a PC. Usually the hardware has to be some what better than the console's hardware to compare. The reason is is due to a console being a closed system, meaing everyone has the exact same thing. So you can imagine if you were to make a game and new exactly what everyone would be using, you then can easily design around that one set of hardware and optimize for it to squeeze out all the performance you can.
While on PC, you have to develop a scalable game, where it can be played on low-end systems, and high-end systems, and then there limitless hardware configurations so they hardly have time to optimize as good as they could do for one single set of hardware like a console. This kind of means you can end up buying the best $700 video card that has amazing tech demos from the makers, but by the time you see that kind of stuff in the average game your $700 card is ready to go in the trash.
And usually a game that really pushes these top of the line cards is one every 1-2 years, yes, usually one game like Crysis, then you wait and wait again. While all along on the consoles are getting games usually above the quality of most pc games and the console costs much less and last longer. But for sure, near the end of the consoles life, in 2-3 years, PC games will be blowing them away just like how it was when there was only the PS2 and Xbox.
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