I finally finished Dragon Age: Origins. After probably nearly a year of playing (on and off of course).
First thing to say is this game was EPIC.... mostly in freaking LENGTH. God, it felt longer than Baldurs Gate 2.
I quite enjoyed it.
- The graphics were pretty good (although should have been better in parts)
- The gameplay was good old D&D
- The dialogue was great (a bit excessive in parts)
- Story was nothing innovative but well told
- You REALLY get your money's worth in lengh (although imo a bit too long)
- Did ANYONE beat it in Hard? I barely made it in Easy.
Now I need info/spoilers:
- What happens if you decide to have a baby with Morrigan? ending?
- What happens if you decide to let Alistair kill the archdemon? ending?
- There are 2 expansions? Awakening and Witch Hunt? Can someone please give me a summary of the story + ending on these? (NO, I AINT GONNA PLAY THEM)
- Did I miss any expansions? story and ending?
- On to part 2. What happens when I import my saves. Does the story matter from part 1?
- How long after part 1 does part 2 take place? any relation?
- Any further info welcomed.
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