Poll You guys getting Titanfall **POLL** (100 votes)
I'm "Not sure yet...."
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I'm "Not sure yet...."
The announcement of a Season Pass has made me less interested in Titanfall, but if reviews release and I find that there is enough content in the base game I will pick it up.
Yes, the beta convinced me.
Though the last news got me a bit worried. It seems like they do want to confirm that there will be 3 packs of DLC, but they do not want to confirm how many maps the main game will have. Yeah, focus on your DLC instead of your main game you bloody morons!
I'm sorry, I just hate devs/publishers doing that.
to me it looks just like CoD with jetpacks and mechs, so no. better than just plain CoD, though. i'm more into bigger scale shooters.
Maybe if I see it on major sale.. around $30 otherwise no.
This and season pass put me off.
Don't buy the season pass or DLC.
From experience most people stay on the original maps anyway.
Maybe if I see it on major sale.. around $30 otherwise no.
This and season pass put me off.
Don't buy the season pass or DLC.
From experience most people stay on the original maps anyway.
noob question, but what the hell is this season pass anyway? you don't really own the game or what?
Maybe if I see it on major sale.. around $30 otherwise no.
This and season pass put me off.
Don't buy the season pass or DLC.
From experience most people stay on the original maps anyway.
noob question, but what the hell is this season pass anyway? you don't really own the game or what?
Season Pass is basically paying for ALL the DLCs together upfront (and therefore getting a discount)
Maybe if I see it on major sale.. around $30 otherwise no.
This and season pass put me off.
Don't buy the season pass or DLC.
From experience most people stay on the original maps anyway.
noob question, but what the hell is this season pass anyway? you don't really own the game or what?
Season Pass is basically paying for ALL the DLCs together upfront (and therefore getting a discount)
oh right. well that kinda sucks. there's no quarantee if the DLC is even worth it, and i think it supports releasing games unfinished.
to me it seems like it's better to just wait for GOTYs for best value. i don't like buying books either, if some pages of it will be sold separately later on. i want the complete experience.
noob question, but what the hell is this season pass anyway? you don't really own the game or what?
Season Pass is basically paying for ALL the DLCs together upfront (and therefore getting a discount)
oh right. well that kinda sucks. there's no quarantee if the DLC is even worth it, and i think it supports releasing games unfinished.
to me it seems like it's better to just wait for GOTYs for best value. i don't like buying books either, if some pages of it will be sold separately later on. i want the complete experience.
uhmmmm... you do get the complete experience. The game comes complete, with nothing locked.
The DLC is just extra maps, like expansions used to be back in the day. There is no need to buy them if you don't want to.
noob question, but what the hell is this season pass anyway? you don't really own the game or what?
Season Pass is basically paying for ALL the DLCs together upfront (and therefore getting a discount)
oh right. well that kinda sucks. there's no quarantee if the DLC is even worth it, and i think it supports releasing games unfinished.
to me it seems like it's better to just wait for GOTYs for best value. i don't like buying books either, if some pages of it will be sold separately later on. i want the complete experience.
uhmmmm... you do get the complete experience. The game comes complete, with nothing locked.
The DLC is just extra maps, like expansions used to be back in the day. There is no need to buy them if you don't want to.
i mean they usually have all the DLC planned before even starting with actual game, but instead of including it in the release version, they save it to sell it later as DLC. DLC in singleplayer games is usually story related. BF3 had loads of stuff locked wich you could unlock only with Premium version. sure, you could play vanilla maps, but the game displayed everything else (maps, weapons etc.) as locked. it kind of created the feeling that the game is incomplete without the Premium expansion, so it didn't feel like a separate expansions used to feel in the old days.
basicly i just mean that core game + season pass (=$100) is extremely rarely worth it. it should be one hell of a game then.
The gameplay videos look really boring, the graphics look really bland and muddy, and the game looks really cheaply thrown together. I can't remember the last time I've seen a big budget game look extremely dated on launch. If this came out five years ago, I wouldn't have been impressed then either.
I had some fun with the beta but I'm not putting down 60 dollars for the full version. I might get it on sale eventually. Knowing my taste in games, I'd get bored of it pretty quickly.
I liked the beta, but they won't be seing my €60. Maybe they'll make a deal before Titanfall 2 like they did with BF3 on Humble Bundle. But if that means getting raped by lvl 100 "premium" players then no thanks.
Yes, the beta convinced me.
Though the last news got me a bit worried. It seems like they do want to confirm that there will be 3 packs of DLC, but they do not want to confirm how many maps the main game will have. Yeah, focus on your DLC instead of your main game you bloody morons!
I'm sorry, I just hate devs/publishers doing that.
Ya, the beta was a lot of fun, but I never liked how map packs divided up the community.
I won't get Day 1 since usually multiplayer-only games' servers take a huge hit the first couple days. I'll probably wait for TB's WTF is. I find his videos provide a lot of help in choosing to get a game or not.
The beta was fun, I'd recommend the game but I'm still not sure I'm going to get it.
My reasoning is I don't get much time to game anymore, I'm probably better off picking it up on sale in a few months.
Been there done that... there's always free alternatives like Hawken and MechWarrior online this is nothing new... Microsoft is just hyping it cause Xbox one is selling bad... its just a mashup of call of duty and MechWarrior ....
hmm, pay money and spend time downloading 40gb of content. I don't think so. If I see it on sale for around 10-20$ I might pick it up. Otherwise I'll have to pass.
hmm, pay money and spend time downloading 40gb of content. I don't think so. If I see it on sale for around 10-20$ I might pick it up. Otherwise I'll have to pass.
ummm... there's a retail version.
Igot it with the season pass from the mexican store for £28, screw EA for over charging the game, maps should be free especially for the price your paying for a mp only game.
Not interested enough in this game to buy it at launch. In a Steam Sale perhaps? Doubtful though, being that it's EA publishing the game.
EA will probably have a sale on it later down the track, but not for at least 6 months I reckon.
Now I must say, I was a little bothered by how I preordered so early and didn't get to pick the Deluxe Edition. Contacted EA support and had my issue resolved within minutes. God damn they're miles ahead of Steam, literally.
10/10 Customer support experience, can't wait to play the game and ENJOY (hell yeah I said enjoy) dat Season Pass.
Igot it with the season pass from the mexican store for £28, screw EA for over charging the game, maps should be free especially for the price your paying for a mp only game.
It would be interesting to see a company say "Buy our game within the first week of launch, and the Season Pass is free." Those who are excited about the game get the better deal, those who want the game but don't like the idea of Season Passes are happy, and it will encourage people to pre-order or buy the game sooner, thus increasing the initial install base.
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