Well, you could try the second one. It's not nearly as good but it's something. Another game that is about catching demons and breeding them would be Shin Megami Tensei : Nocturne. Don't take that game as lightly as Jade Cocoon though, it's much more intense and thought provoking. Much harder too.
I thought Jade Cacoon 2 was better than 1. Azure Dreams for ps1 is also freaking awesome. Digimon World 2 for ps1. Digimon World DS for DS. Digimon World Data Sqaud for ps2 thats coming out later looks awesome. Uhhh... I have to toss out Disgaea 2 as a extreme stretch, raising those units is kinda like raising monsters and some of them are monsters hehe.
Hmmmm.....there was this ps1 game called Kartia and I didnt like it very much the first time i played it but I kind of want to try it out again and occasionally look for it on ebay.
I think digimon does the best job at monster raising games. DW2, DW|DS(ds), DW|Dusk/Dawn, and DS|DS(ps2) are all extremely awesome.
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