Bully is excellent. It is all about making fun of horrible social systems.. The only complaint that anyone ever has about the game is how easy most of the missions are. But the good thing about them is that they are fun enough that you enjoy the missions completely even so. The rockstar crew also made lots of strides in character customization and interaction with random folks.As far as the length I am a bad person to ask because I take my time (and always take longer than most everybody) I finished it in about 40 hours although I am still missing a few collectible items.
I liked how the seasons changed and really impacted the environment as well.
its a reallygood game, but i gotta agree with everyone that its a one time play.....its basically a school version of gta...but gta is definately a better option.
Bully is not worth owning. Its a one timer. Play it once and your done with it forever. It has absolutely no replay value. Iy should only take you a couple of days to beat it. _AbBaNdOn
ok seriously, thats definitly not how it is, there IS replay value in the meaning of after u beat it, you wouldn't mind going back and playing it all over again, theres some missions that u don't get to sometimes, and u can replay all of those at the end of the game, there's awesome unlockables, i mean think about how many GTA, and GTA look-a-likes there are, this is seriously the only one that goes beyond and does something so much diffrent with a somewhat similar style of gameplay, the game NEVER gets repetitive, i mean i LOVED THIS GAME, i rated it a 10.0 on this site, i'm telling you, bully is an awesome game.
definitely a toned down GTA. but that doesn't make it a bad game. I rented it a year ago, and i liked it. I personally will probably buy it this weekend, now that I've seen the price drop to $20 finally. For the longest time it was $39.99. Now when will God of War II finally drop in price? A ps2 game is NOT worth more than $25 if you ask me. It's just an aging piece of machinery. Fun, but cheap fun at this point.Talldude80o rly? so I bought an old machine RECENTLY and I'm playing over 6hrs a day on it cus hmmm... I'm a jerk??!
and bully was one of the top 5 games on PS2 of year 06....
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