FFVII is one of the most overrated games of that generation, the best FF games in my opinion are VI (III in the U.S.) and FF IX. psyko7144
VII is the most overrated FF - IX is the most underrated. VI (III) is the best i've seen. IV (II) is pretty good. VIII is bunk.
Overrated. It was a nice game and all, but I'm tried of hearing about it non-stop 24/7. It seems the only visible justification for all this hype is the fact that this is the first 3D rpg... Which doesn't help much, since the gaming community from what I can see is overflowing with rampant graphic whores.
FFX is the best ive played, i havent played 8 9 11 or 12, but who wants 11 anyway. for me its hard to get a hang of the outdated graphics for FFVII, haveing just picked it up (im not even off the first disc yet and ive had it since july, i also dont play it like ever, and usually RPGs have me addicted from start to finish)
so no, its not. great for its time? yes. great for now? kinda.
In all honesty, dont you guys ever get exhausted discussing final fantasy being ovverated? This is the 192,359 topic posted about FF7 being overrated. I think these kinda topics are overrated...lol
We all know this game revolutionize RPGS. It set the bar for any rpg in my opinion during its release. Enough said.
great game but in my eyes tactics is still the best FF to me-DirtySanchez-Most definitely true, even with the horridly inconsistent translation it beats out the rest.
Problem is it actually brought some negative things to the genre as well, for one it make FMVs popular and because of that you ended up with games like FFX that is a series of cutscenes interspersed with bits of gameplay. The franchise also originated tons of character stereotypes that are a source of stagnation and frustration for some long-time roleplaying fans especially when people keep saying "X game ripped Final Fantasy off". On the plus side it kind of brought the idea of an epic RPG to a larger market and pioneered some concepts such as Active Time battle.In all honesty, dont you guys ever get exhausted discussing final fantasy being ovverated? This is the 192,359 topic posted about FF7 being overrated. I think these kinda topics are overrated...lol
We all know this game revolutionize RPGS. It set the bar for any rpg in my opinion during its release. Enough said.
I had more fun playing Grandia in 1997, even though I couldn't understand a word of Japanese since it was released in Japan for the Sega Saturn before hitting the PlayStation.2deluxeGrandia beats any main-franchise Final Fantasy game hands-down.
Best FF ever and not overrated.Thrice_IIIAbsolutely 8) Don't forget FF7 is a PS1 game. Imagine if this game had PS2 graphics, it would be a killer.
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