I haven't had my PS2 very long, but I would like to stock up on games now, before they all disappear, so that I won't miss out on any. Games such as Metal Gear Solid 3, Shadow of the Colossus, and Zelda are my favorites. I have looked at all the reviews, but sometimes it is still hard to tell if a game is good, especially after it has had 6 or 7 years to age (I am looking at games by how well they stand up today). So here I go (and if you think of any games in my categories that I missed, let me know). Oh ya, and if 2 games are equally good, I will generally pick the one that looks better. Thank you for any help, and sorry for the length.
Racing - I only want 1 racing game, so which is the best of these 3?
Gran Turismo 3: Aspec, Gran Turismo 4, or Burnout 3: Takedown
Horror - I would only likeonegame from each of theseseries, unless I need to play the previous game(s) to understand the story (I am big on story).
Fatal Frame or Fatal Frame II. Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, or Silent Hill 4: The Room
Kingdom Hearts- Are these worth playing (I have heard mixed reviews), and if so, should I buy both of them? Is the story of these games any good?
Half Life - I have looked at screenshots, and this game looks rather dated. But I have heard that it is a classic. Is it a game I should experience, and also, does it have a good story?
Katamari - Katamari Damacy, or We Love Katamari (which is better?)
Bully and Indigo Prophecy - Are these games fun to play, and how is the story in each of them (GS says that Indigo Prophecy's feels a little loose; is this true?)
ICO - Is it nearly as good as Shadow of the Colossus (I know it is done by the same people)? Because if it is similar, then I would definitely play through it.
And a last little thing, I am considering FFVII - FFIX for PS one, along with Chrono Cross and Vagrant Story. I liked the GBA FFs, so I would like to play #1-12, excluding XI. Would you recommend these older games to a person who is immersed in the games of today?
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