Burnout Dominator for me.
Easily goes to Indigo Prophecy. Blech.EtherTwilight
Ah, yes. The butchered version of Fahrenheit... At least you actually played it, because as far as I know, that game is considered to be one of the all time most overlooked "good" games. When I say good, I mean it received positive reviews... not my opinion in the least...
As mentioned before, Tomb Raider : Angel of Darkness is better off forgotten. Ive rarely been disappointed by a ps2 game, but that I mainly chalk up to education mixed with intuition. Â
[QUOTE="EtherTwilight"]Easily goes to Indigo Prophecy. Blech.portej
Ah, yes. The butchered version of Fahrenheit... At least you actually played it, because as far as I know, that game is considered to be one of the all time most overlooked "good" games. When I say good, I mean it received positive reviews... not my opinion in the least...
I've read about a dozen reviews trying to understand just what people see in that game, but I still don't understand it. When I played a rather early demo, I was so damn stoked on the idea of the game.
"Wait, I get to play a killer who doesn't know who's a killer, who's running from the police, and then I play the police trying to catch him? That is so awesome."
But by the time the game was over I wanted to shoot myself in the face. :roll: It is officially my WORST. GAME. EVER. At least that I have personally played. :P
all the final fantasy on the ps2 except FF 11
 FFX: i didn't really like the game on my first playthrought but really loved it on the seconde one
FFX-2: well if u played the game you already know
FFXII: not bad but i had higher expectationÂ
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. As soon as I beat SO2 for the first time I could hardly wait for SO3 but it was such a let down.
FF XII, easily one of the most boring games I've ever played.
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