Now that its well into 2007, I'm sure most of you have had the chance to play FF12 at some point or another.
We waited quite some years for this one to come out, and there was definately a lot of buzz about where Square was going to take this game.
So, I have a simple question for you guys. Having had the chance to play this game, hype aside, how did you feel about it? Was it really the best in the series, or did you find that it didnt stack up quite as well against the previous titles.
The months leading up to the release of FF12 were tense. So I passed the time by playing through FFVII, VIII, and X thoroughly. When I finally played through the first 10 hours, I noticed that things were definately different from the last few titles, so it was sort of a breath of fresh air. But as the game dragged on, I found myself a little detacted from the overall experience. The story really wasn't drawing me in, and the characters weren't a whole lot interesting. On a whole, I found myself confused about what was going on really, and most of the time I found myself moving from location to location fighting boss to boss.
And needless to say, FF12 is freakin' hard... I mean it is tough, that is one tough game. And I thought the fight with Yunalesca in FFX was hard. FF12 had me literally slamming the controller down in frustration after depleting stock after stock of hi-potions and phoenix downs (which don't come cheap). Gil was incredibly hard to come by.
It was also then, that I truly wished leveling up was as easy as FFVIII (remember how it only took 1000 exp for every level after 30?)
And lastly, the limit breaks (or overdrive, or trance, whatever you want to call it) is something I missed the most. I think SE really butchered the whole experience with that stupid Mist system... I don't know about anyone else, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to chain mists, not to mention the drain on MP.
FFXII wasn't a bad game... It was just a lot of poorly-executed gameplay gambles. For every new innovation, there's a problem. I didn't mind the un-randomed battles, but I didnt like getting mauled by 7 red bats in the caves.
Sad to say, the days of FFVII-X seem long gone, as SE is taking the FF series in what looks like a very grim dark path.
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