By early ones do you mean MGS for the PS1? or MGS2 to prepare for 3? or do you mean MGS2 and 3 to prepare for 4?FLYmeatwad
If they would just stop using all those retarded characters and bosses it would be the most awesome solo covert military game ever._AbBaNdOn
I'm not here to ruffle feathers, but what in the world are you talking about? The MGS series has always been looked to as giving some of the best bosses to the video game world. Since the first Metal Gear SOLID entry, since that's when I started my adventure into the Metal Gear universe, I have constantly been blown away by the bosses, the characters, and the story in general. I mean PSYCHO MANTIS. Easily one of the coolest boss battles ever. Not to mention the epic battle with The End in MGS3. And as far as fleshed out characters go,the bosses in MGS2 were arguably the best. I mean Fortune was just plain awesome, Vamp is, and appears to remain, insanely cool, and Fatman was just an enjoyable character.
Well, I started out actually with MGS3... Which was convenient for me (that is actually the start of it all). As for gameplay, pick out any, choose normal (I will shoot you if you play on very easy mode!) and learn the basics... But heres what I suggest. Play MGS3 first, if you have a Gamecube go get Twin Snakes (which is just a remake of the first one... but it is FRIGGIN awsome), then go get Sons Of Liberty (which has THE GREATEST last hour-30 minutes I've ever played in a game)... If you like to think while still having fast fun action gameplay... You'll be in love (just like me!)
PS:All the side games (like the PSP ones) don't really matter, but I still love em' (yes even Ac!d)
They are unrealistic, fake,and stupid, thats what im talking about. Mixing ultra realistic with ultra fantasy in these games is just stupid. Either Snake should ave wings, be able to shoot lasers out of his butt, and be invincable to bullets or he should have to fight against just average run of the mill military special forces officers just like him.
You also have to give it props for being around forever, there were like 2 on the nes?? Then they kinda disappeared until the ps1 and now that little japanese dude turned it into something amazing. If they would just stop using all those retarded characters and bosses it would be the most awesome solo covert military game ever._AbBaNdOn
Retard bosses,characters?Are you serious?They are the coolest ive ever seen in a game(or havent i played enough games? :s).Anyway Mgs3 is THE most awesome solo covert military game ive ever played!
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