Well, he's the story behind it. My 360 broke. And now I only have my PS2 and Wii, and since the Wii has yet to have any games that I really want (I got Twilight Princess, my game had a glitch so I couldn't beat it, didn't like it much anyway), I'm basically down to my PS2. I want a cheap, good game with long singleplayer, since I don't have online. I was thinking Prince of Persia Worrior Within or Two Thrones, but if anyone can think of a better title, please inform me. Not a fan of Japanese RPGs... Already have RE4 (rented) and God of War 2 (also rented).
I should've stated all the games I own.... All the R&C Games, all the Jak games, Serious Sam: Next Encounter, Shadow of the Colussous, Mercenaries, King Kong, and Star Wars Battlefront. I traded in basically all my games to buy 360 games. But luckily, I've beaten many of them.
Truthfully, one of THE BEST single players out there is Dark Cloud 2. Im not and RPG fan, but this game was simply beautiful and ORIGINAL. lasts about 60 hours and then some (im not kidding). U may not find it, but try it on ebay, or look around stores like Flea Markets. Its about $7 now, but its worth a LOT more.
well foa a cheap game go get a jampack vol 13,14 or 15 i got all three and vol 13 cost me at eb games about $1.12 canadian with tax and the other 2 i got at walmart for around $5.00 and they are just demos of games. and you cant go wrong at those prices
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