Tough one.
If you're the kind of guy that can wait and doesn't NEED to play the newest games as soon as their out in the market, then get a PS2 (It's Cheaper, and by the time you're don't with a good chunk of PS2 best games the PS3 will have had a price cut.... twise)
If you NEED to get all the new realeses that are making fuss right now (MGS4 anyone?) then get a PS3, the thing is, if you get a PS3, it's a big hit to the wallet
The PS3 cost more, the PS3 games cost more (plus the arsenal of PS2 games you will probablywant to get)
I am, as a matter of fact, planning on getting a PS2 soon. I would get a PS3 but the price is too high (even after the recent price cut.)
Then again, I might be a little biased, since I only tend to buy one console per generation, Past-Gamecube Present-X360 (PS2 being an exeption ofcourse)
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