I was just lucky enough to pick up a new copy of DD2 for $29.99 just yesterday at gs. I went there for SMT Devil Summoner which they also had for the same price.
Lately the last few copies of DD1 went for over $100 on ebay. but I'm sure if you're patient you may be able to pick one up for $50 0r $ 60.
I'd like tho play the first one before the second one as well, but $100 is pretty steep.
[QUOTE="yamiblade"]I just rented2 of off gamefly.jericoY2J
is it any good??? hows is gameplay??? what would you say it plays like?? I thought it looks interesting and i'm in search of a new JRPG to keep me busy
Outside of the story and the art style, the DDS games are really old school (to me this is a good thing). There are large, maze like environments where the random, trun based battles take place; and the emphasis here is on the battles, as there are many and they require a bit of strategy. First there is the 'Press Turn' system -- you get three turns per round: a basic move takes up one turn (although 'pass' takes half a turn) but if you hit an enemy with an attack they are weak against, you get an extra turn (memorizing the weaknesses and strengths is where the rote memorization comes in), but if you attack with one of the opponent's strengths, you lose a turn, or possibly all your turns (usually the case). Keep in mind this works for the monster's attacks on your characters as well. I'm only about 7 -- 10 hours in right now though, so my take on it might change as I progress through the game. And about the eBay prices, the last time I looked (which was a while ago) I saw used, incomplete copies going for under $50. Oh, and anyone who tells you there was a 'non-deluxe' version (ie just the game, instructions and case) is making it up.I JUST bought the pair off eBay for $120. That's more than I would have liked to pay, and they will probably go down in price. I really wanted them though, and truly, they would have been $108 if I had bought them brand new. At least, that's how I justify it to myself. I remember I paid $54 for Disgaea when it came out and was very rare. Now, I see them in every GameStop used for $39.99. I'm sure DDS will plummet eventually, too.Srinivassa
I don't think you will see it fall in price. The reason Disgaea came down is Atlus issued a large scale re-print due to its popularity. As good as DDS is, I don't think they will re-print it, you got it at a pretty decent price actually.
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