It's underrated because it deserves to be. 4 introduced its own idiocies like 4-man party, unlocking unite attacks, a really poor story, almost zero character development for almost everyone, ultra-dumbed down combat system, etc. It was BAD compared to it's predecessors, but thank God 5 made up for it
4 was actually my favorite. I love 16-17th century sail boats and 4 has a really cool ship combat minigame. I also liked the combat and found it to be alot mroe enjoyable than any other Suikoden. I've never seen the appeal of the suikoden games though. I've never made it far enough in those games to where the cool things seem to happen. Like army vs army battles or something?? I like the rune system and the way you can use them but that death rune or whatever that keeps getting passed around is kind of retarded. The story and world are pretty lame and weak. The graphics are blah. Its got standard rpg menu drive combat which is crap. Still if you like to grind out level to get strong then 4 was pretty good. I think I still have my save file for it and I never can choose to erase it when i need room.
Suikoden IV is by far the worst in the series, most of the reasons has already been mentioned above, doesn't deserve a higher score than it got at all if you ask me
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