I'm wondering, what are some trippy, weird and/or bizarre games out for the PS2?
Be it the gameplay, music, or some of the characters, tell me their names.
I just ordered Rez and Killer 7 (and some others) online.
And I already own We Love Katamari.
Would be nice if I can get more games that are like that.
Games suggested:
- Shadow Hearts (have it)
- Disgaea (have it)
- Metal Gear Solid 2
- Chulip (can't find it ))): )
- Psychonauts
- Fantavision
- Amplitude
- The Suffering
- Silent Hill (have it)
- Fatal Frame (have it)
- Clock Tower
- Rule of Rose (have it)
- Haunting Ground (have it)
- Space Channel 5
- Gitaroo Man (can't find it!!!)
- Viewtiful Joe
- Destroy All Humans (have the 2nd one)
- Under The Skin
- Alien Hominid
- God Hand
- Indigo Prophecy
- Shadow of the Colossus (have it)
- ICO (have it)
- Stretch Panic
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