One which is good to pay attetion and I know is Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 (I don't know which type of games you like so don't be mad at this answer xD) and... nothing else :P
Oh... and one more thing... zmień nick ten jest zdeka zbyt ,,informacyjny" xP (in english: change nick it has too much information in it xP)
Dlaczego sądzisz że mój nick jest zbyt informacyjny? jest w nim narodowość rok urodzenia i imię. (Why do you think that my nick has too many informations in it? Is's only Nationality, year of birth and first name). Naruto isn't game which I'm interested in.
Pozdro am1damaru:)
sequels? overdose 2,sonic riders:zero gravity,twisted metal heads on:extra twisted edition,ratchet and clank size matters,destroy all humans:big willy unleashed,mercenaries 2,cold winter 2,yakuza 2...enough sequels? :P and other games include incredible hulk 20in08,ironman,the mighty thor,xyanide ressurection,indiana jones 2008,james bond 2008,LEGO batman.wicked eh?War-Texindie aint ps2,007 aint RnC SM aint get ur facts rite noob and guys get a ps3
Yep, it will also be for PS2. And if anyone is thinking about buying a PS2. Buy it ! It's absolutely worth it. I mean...there are SooOooo many good games for the console, that you'll forget about the new next-gen games...s7aTyCOh please, a lot of the "good" last gen games are starting to age now. If you missed out on the PS2 (seven years LATE for the party), where the hell have you been? If you want this quality on the new generation, get a Wii :P
Oh please, a lot of the "good" last gen games are starting to age now. If you missed out on the PS2 (seven years LATE for the party), where the hell have you been? If you want this quality on the new generation, get a Wii2deluxe
What in the hell is this, you sound like a Wii fanboy, so the question is are you? This is a PS2 forum, not the Wii forum, so go back to your Wii forum and brag there and not here. It annoys me when others try to advertise their fanboyism on other consoles' forums, where they don't belong.
the next-gen consoles have crap games, maybe 3 or 4 good ones i'd like to play that's it
my PS2 has been good to me and i'll be good to it :)
I have 120 AAA titles and it keeps growing, keep your shiny graphics and i'll built a collection of glory which is for thee PS2
I have 120 AAA titles and it keeps growing, keep your shiny graphics and i'll built a collection of glory which is for thee PS2GamePlayboy187Lol I can't even name 10 AAA games for the PS2. The vast majority of the highly praised games are crap to me (from ICO to God of War 2). Besides, three, to four years down the road, you'll probably get a PS3 and be playing games I'm enjoying now. Terribly late for the party of course, like the last kid on the block who finally got a color TV set.
sequels? overdose 2,sonic riders:zero gravity,twisted metal heads on:extra twisted edition,ratchet and clank size matters,destroy all humans:big willy unleashed,mercenaries 2,cold winter 2,yakuza 2...enough sequels? :P and other games include incredible hulk 2008,ironman,the mighty thor,xyanide ressurection,indiana jones 2008,james bond 2008,LEGO batman.wicked eh?War-Tex
PS2 is not dying, just is not on the Spot right now
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