It's kind of obvious. Action - adventures games is just a wider classification than plataform games. I explain: all plataformers are action-adventure games, the only thing that difers is that in an action adventure game you go, mainly, on foot from one place to another, and in plataformers you usually use some kind of vehicle or transport.
For example, when you're playing Mario you're playing an action adventure game, but when you get onto Yoshi, then you're seeing a plataformer. Same thin with the Contra series; it's all good till you climb onto that truck-like vehicle.
Nah, just messing with you. Plataformers is a classification that was born with 2D games such as Mario or Adventure Island. When those games transformed into a 3D world, then a new classification was born, as the action didn't happen onto this plataform like world, that was the one of the 2D games, and so they started to call it action-adventure, being in the essentials, almost the very same thing. This has nothing to do with how jumps the most or who uses batons/hammers/guns or anything to kill the bad guys, its just a question of time.
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