...has the best create-a-park mode? I hate how on THPS4 they limit how much stuff you can put in parks, cause mine end up lacking. Did they fix this problem in THUG/THUG2/Project 8??
THUG or THAW both pretty much have the same thing.  I think the only thing they added in thaw was huge pieces which are stupid and they fixed the u-turn tunnel piece so it doesnt have stupid rounded edges in the back.  I "think" thug and thaw both have the awesome custom rail feature and I think they also both have it so you can place people on your maps and they let you start different challenges like all the ones in the game and makeing your own challenges is super easy and fun.  I didnt like THAW's story modes.  The challenges were a bit insane on some of them.  Project 8 I dont think even HAS a park editor!!!!!!  I mean i played the game and you dont start with one and some of the features you had to unlock during the story mode so who knows. I thought the game was a bit glitchy and didnt care enough to finish playing it. Â
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