Go figure, there are still some SNES games that I look at and think "wow that looks beautiful" Much of my taste recently has gravitated more towards 2d and sprite based graphics, and the fluidity of the animation of the sprites.
Which is the opposite of the majority of gaming culture which is moving towards unloading large environments where everything renders as you move and tons of enemies onscreen at once. While I appreciate that when it is done well, and I do see that they are improving in that direction, its just not the direction that I would really wish to grow.
As to that one persons assertation that sound design plays an increasingly huge role though, I certainly agree with that, I am a much more auditorily than visual based person although at some points people are taking that too far in bad directions as well, for instance it takes a long time to listen to someone regurgitate a paragraph of dialogue in thier screechy character voice, when I can read a written dialogue box much quicker. Also a lot of games will use sound whenever you start attacking or are seen by an enemy, and that kind of ruins some of the surprise of it. Even if you dont see the enemy you are always knowing you stumbled across one because of the loud stupid tragic sound effect popped up.
The only genres that really seem to be improved by the HD effect are FPS, sports and racing titles, and to follow suit that is just about the only genres that have been coming out in HD. Which is unfortunate because while those are ok (and sometimes great) genres, there is a lot more genres that seem to be getting the brush off these days.
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