There isn't a "prerequisite" as such, but I would agree that as your first foray into Final Fantasy, FFXII is not the best choice. Not because it's a bad game (it's not), or because it's too hard or anything, but just because it's so different from most FF games. Not just the battle system, but in terms of characterization and story as well. It's a good game, but I don't think it's representative of FF as a "brand", and I'd advise someone new to FF to save FFXII until later.
The other suggestions here are good ones, although everyone has their favorites (and least faves) among the series. If you aren't obsessed about graphics, and don't mind picking up the PS1 entries (and a PS1 memory card to go with them), consider starting with one of those. If it were me, I'd probably start with VII if you can find it, but really VI, VIII, or any of the others mentioned above would be suitable too. I'd even recommend IX, although a lot of people apparently didn't care for it.
If you just can't stand the idea of going back to the PS1 games, then I'd say at least start with FFX. Although a few people dislike it intensely, a lot of gamers still pick FFX as one of their all-time favorites on the PS2. It has its faults, but I found it an extremely well designed game that epitomizes console RPGs in a lot of ways. I would definitely consider it a better choice as your entry into FF than FFXII is. Play at least one or two earlier FF games first, then give FFXII a try later to appreciate how very different it is.
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