SCE WW : First Party Studios
In the same spirit as the exclusive list, this one also links to IGN for more in depth info.
But though IGN is the most complete site with info about the individual SCE owned studios there's still a lot of holes, so do not get upset if there's some game titles missing.
Studios named "SCE city name" aren't really studios but development groups containing sevarel studios controlled from a seat in the particulare city which then handles the finances and contact with 3'rd party studios.
* marks the Headquater of the region
SCEA - Sony Computer Entertainment America
*SCE Studios Foster City includes989 studios
[Rise to Honor] Rather incomplete list as it mixes the divisions.
SCE Studios BendincludesEidetic
[Syphon Filter, Zork]
SCE Studios San Diegoincludes989 studios and Red Zone Interactive
[MLB, NBA, Mark of Kri]
SCE Studios Santa Monicaincludes989 studios
[God of War, Kinetica, Calling All Cars]
Sony Online EntertainmentincludesVerant Interactive
[EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies, The Matrix Online]
Idol Minds Digital Entertainment
[Cool Boarders, My Street, Neopets]
Incognito Entertainment (works closely with SCE Santamonica)
[Twisted Metal, Warhawk]
Naughty Dog
[Crash Bandicoot, Jak]
Zipper Interactive
[Crimson Skies, MechWarrior 3, SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals]
SCEE - Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
*SCE Studios Soho/London
[World Tour Soccer, Getaway, Eyetoy, Singstar, Buzz, Eight Days]
SCE Studios LiverpoolincludesPsygnosis
[WipEout, Formula One] LOL true, Sony actually made games for the N64
SCE Studios CambridgeincludesMillennium Interactive
[MediEvil, Major League Baseball, 24h the Game, Primal]
Guerilla Games
SCEI - Sony Computer Entertainment Inc/Japan
SCEI Studio 1 to ?? (a bit weird, got numbers instead of names; ex. the makers of Ico are called Studio 1)
A few of the teams have been known by name besides their number; Contrail, Zener Works, Shift, Alvion, Deep Space, Sugar and Rockets (was reasorbed by SCEI)...
[Ape Escape, Loco Roco, Siren, Boku no Natsu Yasumi, Legaia,  ... tons of games we never hear about in the west and aren't even listed on westers gaming sites]
Clap Hanz
[Hot Shots Golf, Afrika]
PolyPhony Digital
[Gran Turismo, Turist Trophy]
SCEK - Sony Computer Entertainment Korea
Was created to support PSP and Playstation 3 with low budget titles mainly destributed in Japan over the Playstation Store by Sony Online Entertainment.
[LuluRara, EyeToy: EduKids, Hand Dictionary, GloRace]
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