I like how half of the games have no images yet and how PS3 fans have nothing better to do with their time than post threads like this one. Oh right they have no games to play, meanwhile 360 and Wii fans are enjoying actually PLAYING games. Lawl.Ericvon71
then why are you here?
Us PS3 fans are here to continue the support of the greatest console on Gamespot and to talk about what we enjoy. Also we'll be here when PS3 reigns as champion of consoles as did PS1 and PS2.
lol, wow. reign as champions huh? We'll see, sony is off to a bad start this time around, and this console race is alot different than any others they've been in before.If you are going to comment try doing your research, the PS2 started out slow but manage to turn things around... Not saying that the PS3 will but it is possible!
research huh, when the ps2 came out, there was only nintendo for them to deal with, and nintendo never really was trying to compete with sony on the level that sony was trying to reach, they had all the exclusive and sega was on the way out. Now, nintendo is proving to be more of a thorn in sony's side then they even thought, especially in japan and microsoft is pulling a sony by taking alot of there exclusives away from them. Plus the fact that sony is started to build a bad rep. with game developers and designers as being, "not cooperative" and "very arrogant to deal with". Thats probably the main reason why they are losing all those exclusive. So you say do you research, is that good enough for you?
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