Now I'll be honest when I say I haven't really used my PSP for proper gaming so I'm looking into one or two games to get me into it again. I've looked at two, one is Puzzle Quest a game that kind of intrigues me and the second is that Joanne D'Arc.
I currently own MGS: Special Ops, GTA: VCS and Burnout!
Syphon Filter Dark Mirror, ( or Logan's Shadow looks like it's going to be cool too), Killzone Liberation, MegaMan Powered Up or Maverick Hunter X, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Tekken DR, Brave Story it's a great JRPG, also upcoming games like Castlevania DXC, Naruto, Socom Tactical Strike, FF Crisis Core, FF Tactics, God Of War CoO, there's a tone of great games on the PSP way more that I can list of the top of my head!
Im looking to rent a game TONIGHT, im going on vacation. What do you guys think, one that is out now of course. The future looks good but im talking about now :)
it really depends on what your into medal of honor is a good shooting game blade dancer is a good rpg game along with the final fantasy games. And thier other games out thier too
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