I say a Fallout 3 online because the makers had that in mind.
Just in case no one knows. Borderlands for the PS3 and Xbox360 hits stores Oct 20th, 2009. Its only 2 weeks away!
It is a RPG FPS, it is something that both RPG loves and FPS lovers will get along with. it isn't a MMO cause you can only play with 4 people at I time I think.
BUT According to them, the Debug menu listed the total number of weapons in the game as 3,166,880.
However, the developers have stated that there are over 17 million guns that they have counted. This is a looters dream. Want to know more?
Read about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderlands_%28video_game
Watch Videos and gameplay here: http://www.gametrailers.com/game/borderlands/5366
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