Yeah, seriously watch the videos in those links I posted. One thing that helped is the guy used his knife a lot since it kills faster than anything else on Elite. Then, when you hear the doors open and the wave of RPG troopers come out of the doors at the front landing, grab the grenade launcher and carpet bomb the whole area from behind the debris on the left side closest to the front. They won't be able to hit you and you can take a few of them out without exposing yourself.
Seriously though, watch the videos in my post above. They REALLY help.
I used a variation of his strategy, instead of carpet bombing from the balconey. I would hide on the corner of the upper floor, wait until they jumped over the rails and then blast em'. Plus I used the knife a lot more than he did, he did a great job though, you can tell the difficulty was so great even he had to edit his video because he must have died a few times.
I love the difficulties for each checkpoint and the graphic he put in the upper right hand corner. My favorite (which I agreed with) was for checkpoint 2. "Difficulty: 10/10
F*** this."
No doubt about that. It can't be rated out of a 10. It's beyond that. I think you actually just need some luck to beat that level in regards to the paths the enemy takes.
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