It was much laggier, and there was a little problem with a guy shooting everyone from under the map.:(
ps3 is a lot less laggier then 360..you might of had a bad connection or maybe the host i saw a few glitches in cod4 (heard their in 360 also) but they tend to be easy target.. honestly..how does that even prove 360 is the almighty..i mean..doesn't 360 have its issues too? massive preteens? lag, i expect the same glitchers...how does one game affect the who psn/ xbl ?Your right, that doesnt prove the superiority of one over the other, and im not trying to, im just saying that that was the experience i had when i played the game on PSN, and I have not seen any of that happen on the 360 version. So far I love both consoles, but they each have their flaws and everyone just has to except that and stop argueing about whos is better. No, you know what? PS3 and 360 fboys should unite to down the evil empire that nintendo has become!
understood...i say sega brings out the DreamcastHD & goes against Nintendo...i want Sonic Adventure 3 ...not a crappy multiplatform Sonic
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