So. With the recent release of Gods of War and Final Fantasy, we've seen the usual outburst of threads regarding pirates on those games respective boards. The pirates main argument is that it doesn't really affect total sales, I'm going to buy this game later, etc.
So according to, I looked over some psp games and their respective sales. The number one game Worldwide is GTA: LCS with 4.75 Million sales; and in America alone just over 2 million. It pales in comparison to every console so far.
take into consideration as well, that GTA: LCS is infamous for being used to exploit the PSP itself, and allowing Downgrading :(
Here are the top 5 rated games on the PSP (According to gamespot):
Tekken: Dark Resurrection (9.2) 2006
Daxter (9.1) 2006
Patapon (9.1) 2008
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (9.0) 2006
Burnout Legends (9.0) 2005
And here are their Respective Spots in the American as compared to World Market:
American Sales -- World Wide Sales= European and Japan Sales
Tekken 18 -- Tekken 14
486,032 Sales - 1.06m Sales= 612,968 Approx Sales approx
Daxter 2 -- Daxter 7
1,432,925 Sales - 1.44m Sales= 7,075 Sales Approx
Patapon -- Patapon
90,507 Sales - 0.18m Sales= 89,493 Sales Approx
Metal Gear 32?!?! -- Metal Gear 17
338,847 Sales - 1.03m Sales= 661,153 Sales Approx
Burnout 16 -- Burnout 18
499,833 Sales - 0.99m Sales= 500,167 Sales Approx
1.) So why is it that American Sales are just about equal to the rest of the market (or why don't we buy as many games, with the exception of Daxter?)
2.) Why is GTA LCS the best selling game? And if it's brand name (People just buying it because it says GTA), that doesn't explain why GTA VCS has less than half the sales of it's predecessor. Could it possibly have anything to do with the aforementioned explois contained within LCS?
3.) Why is it that the Metal Gear sold so poorly in the US, despite it's reputation?
Listen it's late, so I'll wrap up on my closing thoughts.
The most highly rated titles released early in the psp's life also seem to have enjoyed the most sales. -can piracy be blamed?
The psp game sales are weak in the U.S when compared to any system. Besides the PS3. -Do users buy the sony sytems for purposes other than games? The psp is considered inferior to an Ipod, except it has the ability to PLAY GAMES. I can see why someone would buy the PS3 for blu-ray movies.
More Later...
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