Yeah, I played both Resident Evils and they're basically the same game. One of them looks better, with some little new things here and there, but it wasn't a big deal to me. It's not like it sucked, but it seemed pretty pointless. Why not just make a new one?
I dunno what a dimenTion is (Dude, don't use the condescending-eye-rolling-smiley right after you misspell something!), but FF 7's characters weren't all that. They didn't give Cloud a real personality. He's depressed, he's not depressed, he's an a-hole, he's cool with everybody...pick one and roll with it for god's sake. They did give him crazy hair and a big sword, though. Everyone in FF 7 has a defining trait like that - Sephiroth has a huge sword, Tifa has HUGE boobs, Barret is Mr. T, Cid cusses constantly, Vincent looks like a vampire. Everyone has something to draw your attention to, and away from their flat personalities. And when they tried to give them any depth, they came off like caricatures. I remember this one part where Barret meets Shinra, this guy he's supposed to hate more than anything, and he starts jumping up and down and shaking his fists in the air.
FF 8's characters weren't amazing or anything, but they acted more like real people, which is pretty rare for a video game. Same with 9 and 10
But back on the topic, a new Streets of Rage could be really good. Back in the day, beating up a bunch of huge thugs with a little guy on rollerblades was so much fun.
A few things here and there? Did you really play the original? Did you not notice the entire new storyline involving the chained monster, which in turn gave a whole lot of context to the original? Did you not notice all of the new areas and ways that the game was changed? I can understand people saying the Twin Snakes is a "REMAKE", but REmake is not just that.
And if we go by the same token, isn't Squall exactly like Cloud? A guy who can't pick up his mind whether he wants to be a-hole or be a nice guy? And did you ever played FF-FFVI? If you had played them, you would notice that the characters sprites would always jump in surprise or do silly dances, since there was no way they could represent the emotions in any other way, unless you have an uncanny ability to read blocks. And FFVIII had these same caricature moments, or do you not remember how Selphie, Zell and Laguna behaved? Same with FFIX, or does Zidane jumping when he is surprised doesn't count? No offense or anything, but if you really think that the characters only have a defining trait, then you really didn't bother to care. Specially when every character created has a defining trait. Where would Squall be without his Gunblade? Zell without his face tattoo and his love for hot dogs? Zidane without his tail? Dante without his red trench coat and guns?
And I meant dimension, my mistake
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