I just recently purchased my PS3 (holiday bundle for $200=great deal) and I quickly picked up several games and a couple of extra controllers on the cheap. I am now regretting my purchase due to not being able to play PS3 games on PS4. I know everyone will be all over the, "just keep your ps3...blah, blah, blah, but I have no space for another game system. I have O.C.D really bad (medically diagnosed) and I cannot handle multiple game systems and especially cords everywhere. I was planning to buy The Last of Us, Battlefield 3 or 4, and several other games, but have now cancelled all of my preorders and will not be buying any more games for it. I was even considering some movies on PSN, but apparently those will not work on PS4 either. I do understand they needed to drop the B/C due to the X86 architecture of the new system, but it sucks for many of us with game collections.
Since PSN will not be a part of PS4, how long until they pull the plug on it alltogether? How long will the Last of US online last? $60 for a 12 hour game and a few months of online is not worth it IMHO. Once PSN goes, there goes my Bad Company, Netflix, and most every other game I have (since there is no split screen on most games). Seriously considering selling the whole lot and being done with it. Extremely frustrated.
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