It's not just about SP length, it's replay value too. It forces developers to strive harder if they put a solid single player mode with some interesting unlocks and something to keep the player interested. I'm not saying developer should shoehorn time into SP all in the name of length, personally I feel nothing should be shoehorned into the game. Everything should fit and have it's place. Multiplayer more often than not doesn't have it's place and is done poorly. So in essence you end up with two "mediocre to alright" components of a game as oppose to one really well done component of a game. I enjoy multiplayer games, don't get me wrong, but it's always when they're the selling point of the game (Battlefield, Killzone 2, CoD4). Games like Dead Space 2, BioShock 2, AC:Brotherhood have multiplayer into them when it really didn't have a place. None of the multiplayer components in those games are inherently awful but they're nothing special, it's not something siginigficant that's gonna become a "thing" so why even bother? I guess I just see it as, if it's in the game it should be in there 110%, nothing half assed, it's wasted resources.
I've played many of the multiplayers that people say are just shoehorned into the game, and a lot of them are really fun, the games you listed (BioShock 2, ACB, DS2) all have fairly large online communities and people who really enjoy their MP. I personally found BioShock 2 to be one of the most fun MP games this gen, ACB is really good too (I'm not the biggest fan of it but I can definitely see its appeal). You're still acting as if multiplayer somehow ruins a game's singleplayer when that's just not the case. Dead Space 2, Uncharted 2, and ACB are all much better than their predecessors and in addition feature a great online MP component (I didn't mention BS2 as a completely different studio all together worked on MP). The campaigns as they are in most games are already finished and the online MP is just for extra appeal. Some of the shortest games this gen with little replay value are the ones that don't have MP. There's really no correlation between the length or quality of a game with MP and one without (excluding RPGs and long games that would never have MP in the first place). If Wet or Portal 2 or some other short game just happened to have MP but the exact same SP, then people would complain that MP is the reason it's so short, but it'd be the same either way. People just like having a scapegoat.
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