I think Trophies are an excellent addition. I could care less about the competitive factor, it's about how you approach it.
I remember when Achievements came out when I used to play WoW, and I loved it. I loved doing all these extra things, finding new things out about the game, as well as being given new challenges to conquer. Let's face it, once we beat a game once it goes back on the shelf afterwards, unless it has multiplayer. Sure, some games have NG+, and a select few games have left such an impression on some of us that once we beat it, we played through it again, just to partake in its awesomeness.Trophies are merely a way to give extra bang for your buck.
What's hilarious is people complaining about them, acting like they're mandatory. They're not, it's completely up to the individual if they want to pursue them or not. And just because they don't like trophies somehow gives them the right to label those who do as elitists. Again; they're optional. If you don't like 'em, don't do 'em, but don't try and attach a profound negative meaning to them.
That's pretty juvenile, complaining about extra features that our favorite game companies added to their games. Just smile, say thank you, and shaddup.
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