Next week Anonymous plans to get all high-and-mighty next week with a "boycott" of Sony products that they weren't going to buy anyway, which will last for exactly 1 day. Well, I propose that the legitimate PS3 userbase stage a counter-demonstration ot Anonymous's activities-- a BUYcott, if you will. On April 16, while all those Anon trolls are wasting away their Saturday sitting around in Sony stores while not buying anything, we can all go out and buy Sony and Playstation-related products. Planning to buy a new PS3 game? buy it next Saturday. Planning to buy a new 42" Bravia? Buy it next Saturday. If possible, buy it at a Sony store that has an Anonymous infestation, and wave your reciept proudly as you pass the unwashed masses wearing Guy Fawkes masks. And then, go home and play games on PSN. Heck, dress up like a pirate if you want.
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