For the best JRPG we don't have any official clue which is it.
So, it really depends on your opinions.
How about having a poll??
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So you actually understand japanese? or you use online translation? also why these games on the wii never see an English localization?? dont wii owners beg or annoy for a localization? fans of the games should learn from the Tales fans, NISA fans, Atlus fans and Xseed, keep requesting or even annoying them till they break and localize the games, according to a few people on the fourms i hear xenoblade and last story are both fun to play. glad Graces is coming over so i can try it out but Namco havent even mentioned or even said a thing about it yet, i have a feeling they just said it to shut the fans lol
No, I dont understand Japanese, I use guides.
You think begging got Graces its localization? Not at all. The series is known for its inconsistent localizations, fans didnt influence anything, Bamco is doing what they see fit.
Im almost 100% sure XSeed is the only company you mentioned that actually listens to fan suggestions. NISA, ATLUS and Bamco do what they see fit.
You're free to believe wht you want though.
And yes, Xenoblade, Graces and The Last Story are fantastic, true examples of quality console JRPGs this gen I assure you.
Graces probably is in a very early localization state. Most localizations are announced the same way though. Revealed, then media is released down the road.
Well overall these companies deserve as much support as possible i say, if only Ar Tonelico qoga wasnt out of stock at the moment from NISA store i would get another copy for my bro :P.. i'll do the same 2 copies for Graces F. only they gotta do is bring it over and play my first HD tales game
In the end thats the only influence we have over localizations from NISA and Atlus, buying their games to support them.
Want Xilla? Buy Graces...... twice if you must.
He's now asking you what you think the best JRPG is, he's telling you what the best JRPG is (or what he thinks is the best JRPG.) After recently playing Persona 4, I'd have to say that's the best JRPG I've played this gen. Which isn't saying much, but it was actually a good game. As for the game being mentioned ITT, I'll be perfectly honest; it looks like crap. I mean, just look at the art direction. How am I supposed to take the game seriously? It's not something I'm going to try any day soonFor the best JRPG we don't have any official clue which is it.
So, it really depends on your opinions.
How about having a poll??
I hate everyone in this thread who owns the game, you're making me crazy! ... WHAT THE HELL IS TAKING MY STORE SO LONG TO GET THIS IN!! I should just always pre-order from the NIS store..PoisoN_Facecam0
lol yeah i hear ya, im so glad i got it on thursday, had to pre-order the game to get it early, useually with EBgmaes if you dont pre-order they'll take ages to bring it back again, im both glad and sad that the game was sold out on its second day of release date and good that its doing very well, NISA should have made more copies :x, i want a second copy :P. heres hoping NISA will bring more copies and make the game in-stock during this week. beeing hearing its doing very well in terms of sales
lmao, LOL.
So Saki's singing a song that's supposed to disable all the Reyvateil within a certain radius of her, and the way they led up to this event made it sound like it would be this earth-shattering, emotional piece of musical composition, but it's just JPop.
You think begging got Graces its localization? Not at all. The series is known for its inconsistent localizations, fans didnt influence anything, Bamco is doing what they see fit.
3 years of complaining from fans and hardcore Tales fanboys. Not surprised they gave in.
Clearly a contradiction there from a previous thread you posted in. Unless it was a hint of sarcasm, I don't know. Either way, the only way we're going to get more JRPGs localized is 1: complain and beg for these releases, it is what shows we're interested after all and 2: Support the damn developers and throw your money down for these games and stop being such a damn FF fanboy. It's irrelevent which JRPG are the best, just buy those games. I honestly think JRPGs are on the brink of destruction this gen for many reasons, one being the fanbases.
It was a joke.
I firmly believe unless a publisher asks for it, begging wont get any game localized.
Plus its Bamco...
[QUOTE="PoisoN_Facecam0"]I hate everyone in this thread who owns the game, you're making me crazy! ... WHAT THE HELL IS TAKING MY STORE SO LONG TO GET THIS IN!! I should just always pre-order from the NIS store..finalstar2007
lol yeah i hear ya, im so glad i got it on thursday, had to pre-order the game to get it early, useually with EBgmaes if you dont pre-order they'll take ages to bring it back again, im both glad and sad that the game was sold out on its second day of release date and good that its doing very well, NISA should have made more copies :x, i want a second copy :P. heres hoping NISA will bring more copies and make the game in-stock during this week. beeing hearing its doing very well in terms of sales
Yeah, I work at a locally owned game shop and we haven't even gotten our first shipment in.. I remember how hard it was to get HyperDimension Neptunia, hopefully it won't be that difficult again.[QUOTE="Dahaka-UK"]
3 years of complaining from fans and hardcore Tales fanboys. Not surprised they gave in.
Clearly a contradiction there from a previous thread you posted in. Unless it was a hint of sarcasm, I don't know. Either way, the only way we're going to get more JRPGs localized is 1: complain and beg for these releases, it is what shows we're interested after all and 2: Support the damn developers and throw your money down for these games and stop being such a damn FF fanboy. It's irrelevent which JRPG are the best, just buy those games. I honestly think JRPGs are on the brink of destruction this gen for many reasons, one being the fanbases.
It was a joke.
I firmly believe unless a publisher asks for it, begging wont get any game localized.
Plus its Bamco...
Why would Namco decide that it would be beneficial to put Graces on PS3 and not Vesperia? Money wise, it would have been easier to put Vesperia on PS3. They already have the Xbox version in English, so all they have to do is port that over. Namco would only have to translate the text for the new content. I heard that the American actors were called back to record new lines for the bonus content, so I don't understand why Namco decided against giving Vesperia to the western world. Why do the Japanese need English voices?
Does this game has Japanese speech with English subtitles? Or is it English speech only? Also, when you describe the list of epicness of this game, you did not list Story, I am a huge fan on plot and characters, is it as epic as worth mentioning? Thanks.luke89330
Story is really not that epic.. it's pretty cookie cutter, really, but I don't mind. And the game uses the same 6 character archetypes that are in every anime/japanese video game that has more than one female character.
Guy has pretty normal everyday life until girl with amnesia stumbles into it and he has to protect her from some evil organization because deep down he actually loves her. Or something. Probably.
And yes, there's an option for Japanese voiceovers with English subs.
Wow just wow.. I'd like to share my thoughts on the recently released Ar Tonelico Qoga for PS3 which been way too addicting for me.I seriously have never been this addicted before to a JRPG in a long time, i love JRPGs and i buy them all except i usually play an hour or two then switch to call of duty but man o man how epic this game is! i think it even beats final fantasy 13 and others as well like Eternal Sonata. here are my thoughts:
- Amazing soundtrack
- Top-notch voice acting
- Fun gameplay
- Great battle system
- Hilarious and i mean hilarious!
- Beautiful visuals
- Towns
and list can go on and on. .. so what are everyone's thoughts? ( for thoughts that have it? )
the game in my opinion is a must own by everyone! must be played by as many people as possible and besides for $59.99 you get this sexy bundle:
Comes with:
- Ar Tonelico Qoga PS3
- Hardcover Artbook
- Soundtrack CD containing over 60 Minutes of songs
- Calander ( which is exclusive to purchasing the game from theNISA store )
Unboxing video by a fan
NISA store ( for now out of stock but more coming soon due to a huge demand )
Thank you very much NISA for bringing over such a great game
No. The best JRPG this gen is not on the PS3.... face it.
Though, I'll look into this I guess.
I'm just waiting for this because I am sure it will beat all this crap there's to offer currently ;)
Wow just wow.. I'd like to share my thoughts on the recently released Ar Tonelico Qoga for PS3 which been way too addicting for me.I seriously have never been this addicted before to a JRPG in a long time, i love JRPGs and i buy them all except i usually play an hour or two then switch to call of duty but man o man how epic this game is! i think it even beats final fantasy 13 and others as well like Eternal Sonata. here are my thoughts:
- Amazing soundtrack
- Top-notch voice acting
- Fun gameplay
- Great battle system
- Hilarious and i mean hilarious!
- Beautiful visuals
- Towns
and list can go on and on. .. so what are everyone's thoughts? ( for thoughts that have it? )
the game in my opinion is a must own by everyone! must be played by as many people as possible and besides for $59.99 you get this sexy bundle:
Comes with:
- Ar Tonelico Qoga PS3
- Hardcover Artbook
- Soundtrack CD containing over 60 Minutes of songs
- Calander ( which is exclusive to purchasing the game from theNISA store )
Unboxing video by a fan
NISA store ( for now out of stock but more coming soon due to a huge demand )
Thank you very much NISA for bringing over such a great game
No. The best JRPG this gen is not on the PS3.... face it.
Though, I'll look into this I guess.
Yes IT IS! you face it! :P.. seriosuly amazing game im over 10 hours at the moment, so much drama love it!
What about Mass Effect and Fallout? oh, wait a minute... oops. :P
Well these are Western RPGs shouldnt be count :P.. Mass Effect i will get into it soon and see for msyelf but fallout looks terrible
So far I agree and it will get better as months go by and just hope they localize white Knight chronicles 2 in North Americakyacat
I hope so too, sadly they havent mentioned a single thig yet
I looked at the cover for a sec and thought it looked interesting but then I saw the rated M sign and now I don't care. Heh, I was like "But it looks sooooo cute,".
So you cant handle the 17+ stuff? :P.. overall this is a great game im just glad to see more and more people are enjoying it
And since this thread became a successful one i'll share my unboxing :P
my unboxing:
blog if anyone interested :P
TWEWY is the best JPRG this gen and one of the best games of all time. I wish more people bought it so we can get a sequel.. It's an amazing game.GaGaRomance
That game was fun indeed, one of the best on DS, there should be a console version for it i agree :(
Tales of Vesperia is the best JRPG of this gen no contest, I'm really looking forward to Graces F
The demo of graces was cool. I thought Namco was going to release some info on it soon after they announced that it was coming.
LOL I didn't even get this far in the artbook.
lmao i only went to the back of the artbook since it onyl had pictures :P. the start of the book just has too much spoilers
That's why I didn't even read the thing in the first place until a while after I started playing. Actually, I was planning on getting Saki's True ending first, but that didn't happen thanks to a certain mishap I didn't know about. So I ended up getting the bad ending. Then, since I was curious enough to make the other choice (and save to a new file) I was like "What the hell. I don't have that much far to go to get the normal ending so I may as well." after I corrected that mishap that prevented me from getting her True ending. Unfortunately I saw a certain (Saki) CG that I shouldn't have on accident. So I just beat the game again tonight. But I'm far from finished. Oh no. I still have A LOT more to do (like, get the platinum) before I consider myself to be finished with the game. Regardless, I want to see the true ending for myself (even if all potential emotional feelings have been lost and if I've already seen the CG though I tried my best to look away) so don't spoil it. EDIT: Yey, they fixed the post glitch!!lmao i only went to the back of the artbook since it onyl had pictures :P. the start of the book just has too much spoilers
[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]That's why I didn't even read the thing in the first place until a while after I started playing. Actually, I was planning on getting Saki's True ending first, but that didn't happen thanks to a certain mishap I didn't know about. So I ended up getting the bad ending. Then, since I was curious enough to make the other choice (and save to a new file) I was like "What the hell. I don't have that much far to go to get the normal ending so I may as well." after I corrected that mishap that prevented me from getting her True ending. Unfortunately I saw a certain (Saki) CG that I shouldn't have on accident. So I just beat the game again tonight. But I'm far from finished. Oh no. I still have A LOT more to do (like, get the platinum) before I consider myself to be finished with the game. Regardless, I want to see the true ending for myself (even if all potential emotional feelings have been lost and if I've already seen the CG though I tried my best to look away) so don't spoil it. EDIT: Yey, they fixed the post glitch!!lmao i only went to the back of the artbook since it onyl had pictures :P. the start of the book just has too much spoilers
About time dude! it took ages! wow gamespot so slow tho.. also i hope i get the good ending :P
LOL I didn't even get this far in the artbook.
lmao i only went to the back of the artbook since it onyl had pictures :P. the start of the book just has too much spoilers
Yay Japan Porn :lol:Also i did a similar threads on both and NISA fourms, also a huge success :P and tons of people who agree 8)
NISA official fourms
I beat it last night and got the normal ending for Finnel.
At first I really liked the game, but around the middle of it the battles just became tedious after the gimmicks of having the girls strip and seeing all their super moves wore off. Some of the writing and dialog in this game is just plain cringe-worthy and embarrassing. Some scenes play out like they were written for 10 year olds.
Still though, some of the characters were interesting, the diving was fun and the music was great, and if you can stand the battle system for long periods of time the game has a lot of re-playability and a bunch of different endings and scenarios. Overall it is a good game, but not great imho.
Also anyone that loves reviews can check a bunch of them here:
7/10 Eurogamer
7/10 GamePro
7/10 RPG Gamer
I beat it last night and got the normal ending for Finnel.
At first I really liked the game, but around the middle of it the battles just became tedious after the gimmicks of having the girls strip and seeing all their super moves wore off. Some of the writing and dialog in this game is just plain cringe-worthy and embarrassing. Some scenes play out like they were written for 10 year old school kids.
Still though, some of the characters were interesting, the diving was fun and the music was great, and if you can stand the battle system for long periods of time the game has a lot of re-playability and a bunch of different endings and scenarios. Overall it is a good game, but not great imho.
Im afraid to read more due to spoielrs :P, will read it all ocne i ebat the game as well, dont think im closing to beat it but been playing for like 11 hours now, i spent lots of time making items, upgrading weapons and fighting :P
I'm sorry, but there's just no way that this game is the best JRPG of this gen. However, It is arguably the closest substitute to kiddy porn in a video game format that we've had in a long time. :lol:Rakuho16 and 17 yo's in thier panties is not even remotely comparable to that. :|
I'm sorry, but there's just no way that this game is the best JRPG of this gen. However, It is arguably the closest substitute to kiddy porn in a video game format that we've had in a long time. :lol:Rakuho
And this is why the game has the option to turn everyting off for those that cant handle the 17+ stuff:P.. and you cant be serious, no their not kids :|.. wasnt expecting this from you :( :P :(
64.00% metascore --------> CRAPpooyanh
More like metascore is crap, it adds and average a bunch of scores from different reviweres and some reviewrs are just too sensitive and cant handle games like this, as you can see most of the well known reviewers gave the game great scores. i personally couldnt care less about scores but sadly some people do and is why i added a bunch of scores
That's why I didn't even read the thing in the first place until a while after I started playing. Actually, I was planning on getting Saki's True ending first, but that didn't happen thanks to a certain mishap I didn't know about. So I ended up getting the bad ending. Then, since I was curious enough to make the other choice (and save to a new file) I was like "What the hell. I don't have that much far to go to get the normal ending so I may as well." after I corrected that mishap that prevented me from getting her True ending. Unfortunately I saw a certain (Saki) CG that I shouldn't have on accident. So I just beat the game again tonight. But I'm far from finished. Oh no. I still have A LOT more to do (like, get the platinum) before I consider myself to be finished with the game. Regardless, I want to see the true ending for myself (even if all potential emotional feelings have been lost and if I've already seen the CG though I tried my best to look away) so don't spoil it. EDIT: Yey, they fixed the post glitch!![QUOTE="tjoeb123"][QUOTE="finalstar2007"]
lmao i only went to the back of the artbook since it onyl had pictures :P. the start of the book just has too much spoilers
About time dude! it took ages! wow gamespot so slow tho.. also i hope i get the good ending :P
I won't spoil too much, but there are 3 factors revolving around what ending you'll get: # of heart points toward a heroine, a certain battle, and a certain choice. I think there may be endings that revolve around yet another heroine (that has to do with that certain battle) but that remains a complete mystery to me.[QUOTE="Rakuho"]I'm sorry, but there's just no way that this game is the best JRPG of this gen. However, It is arguably the closest substitute to kiddy porn in a video game format that we've had in a long time. :lol:finalstar2007
And this is why the game has the option to turn everyting off for those that cant handle the 17+ stuff:P.. and you cant be serious, no their not kids :|.. wasnt expecting this from you :( :P :(
I was just joking about the second part. :lol: Although, I was dead serious about the first one. :P
I simply rank ToV and Disgaea 3 much higher.
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