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I live in Australia to and have done some research on region codes and am happy to say that ALL PS3 GAMES ARE REGION FREE!!!! so feel free to import any game your heart desires (I imported the usa version of grand theft auto 4 because our version got censored)
BUT not all BLU RAY MOVIES are region free and it varies from studio to studio, warner, paramount, sony, universal are usually region free but some disney and a few fox titles are region coded. I use this website to find out whats region free. Basically all the movies highlighted green are region free and you can safely import them but the ones in red are region coded and will not play in an aussie ps3. Its updated regularly and it hasnt steered me wrong yet (im up to 110 blu ray movies)
Hope this helps
I've lost track of how many times this has been asked. Ah well.
PS3 games are region free but if you are using a standard def hookup to the tv they may not look right due to the resolution differences. Using a high definition set up like component or HDMI is preferred.
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