are you satisfied with your ps3?

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#51 luludooobee111
Member since 2005 • 1427 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

First of all, it's only lost 3 exclusives... less than the 360. Second, it still has more exclusives coming out than the other two systems this year. Third, the final launch games were announced in October and did not change after that... so it seems to me that you just made an ill-informed decision.

First off- Its lost all its best exclusives. second, not any good ones. third, There huge Titles arent even getting released in the near future so bite me!
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#52 ringbling
Member since 2004 • 969 Posts

First of all, all the crap that people are saying that the PS3 has already failed is exactly that, CRAP. If you played much PS2 during it's launch, people wanted it to be what it was in it's prime from the first day - if the manufacturer wanted the PSOne 2 or 3 to be at its peak on launch day - they would all three definitely fail. It will take a year or two to get the truly awesome games out - until then you have to enjoy the improvements in games currently for what they are - improvements on the previous generations formula of games. Once the rules are re written respectively for each respective console, we'll see the true potential that MS, Nintendo and Sony have to offer in these machines. Trust me, in a year or two anyone (like me) with a good paying, 40 hour per week job, who is also a real gamer, will be buying all three consoles because they will then all three have shown their qualities that make them worth owning. The 360 will have IPTV and TV shows/movies on demand. The PS3 will have a GREAT online community in Home (I'm in the beta for it, trust me it's gonna be good), and the Wii has already made a good footprint with the Virtual Console and is up in the air for what will turn on the oooooooos and aahhhhs in us all. Anyone agree/disagree?

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#53 ex-paranoia
Member since 2003 • 331 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

First of all, it's only lost 3 exclusives... less than the 360. Second, it still has more exclusives coming out than the other two systems this year. Third, the final launch games were announced in October and did not change after that... so it seems to me that you just made an ill-informed decision.

First off- Its lost all its best exclusives. second, not any good ones. third, There huge Titles arent even getting released in the near future so bite me!

Ummm, you've said best, and underlined it. If you honestly think the best exclusives are lost, then I have nothing more to say to you.

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#54 luludooobee111
Member since 2005 • 1427 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

You missed a big word in my post "research". It was known well before launch that not all the titles they initially mentioned would be released. Yes there were a few titles that surprisingly didn't end up at launch but what? Already saying "didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives" and "We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much" proves you're just a "regular consumer" and not one who has done any research on the machine before purchasing it.

You should've known what you were getting into spending that much money on this machine. And it really bites that you haven't gotten anything out of it yet, but many out there have had a good time with their Playstation 3's. You don't use Bluray? too bad. You don't like the games out currently? Too bad. You've made your purchase, it was your choice, suck up and take the hit in your wallet. Suck it up and wait. There's nothing else you can do about it is there?

If you knew anything, you would know that Playstation 3 still has a tonne of exclusives left, even if it did lose "some" to multi-platform status. And as for the hype, hype is only a factor if you let yourself be influenced by it. Again that is your fault as a consumer.

I do use blu ray. Meh not that impressed. Its a Dvd with a sorta better picture. Nice! score i could of payed a third of that money to get the same thing. I researched that Resistance was supposed to be this great game.....I couldnt have been more let down in a game.  Ummm i can admit that I buy console for there major exclusives. I bought 360 for halo. Wii for the mario games. And Ps3 for games like assins creed and DMC. " Suck it up and wait" Bite me! As a customer i belive i deserve something in reutrn. I know it was my choice to buy it. I bit the bullet expecting something in reutrn other than a dust machine. The backwards compatibility doesnt even look good. I still dont like you
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#55 Sgt_Hale
Member since 2007 • 2257 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

You missed a big word in my post "research". It was known well before launch that not all the titles they initially mentioned would be released. Yes there were a few titles that surprisingly didn't end up at launch but what? Already saying "didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives" and "We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much" proves you're just a "regular consumer" and not one who has done any research on the machine before purchasing it.

You should've known what you were getting into spending that much money on this machine. And it really bites that you haven't gotten anything out of it yet, but many out there have had a good time with their Playstation 3's. You don't use Bluray? too bad. You don't like the games out currently? Too bad. You've made your purchase, it was your choice, suck up and take the hit in your wallet. Suck it up and wait. There's nothing else you can do about it is there?

If you knew anything, you would know that Playstation 3 still has a tonne of exclusives left, even if it did lose "some" to multi-platform status. And as for the hype, hype is only a factor if you let yourself be influenced by it. Again that is your fault as a consumer.

I think this is more to the point... Because I have not come across a single person in REAL life that owns the system, or even that has played it, that isn't impressed with it. I agree that we all want more games on it... but if anything we're excited about the ones coming out on it. Not pissed off b/c they'r not out already.

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#56 DEEZ30
Member since 2003 • 49 Posts


Very satisfied.  And its only getting stronger

 Financing available on Prosper, people-to-people lending

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#57 Rentago
Member since 2006 • 1543 Posts

ok, i was a very big Nintendo fan till i met ps1, since then i´ve been Number 1 fan of sony, i bought my ps3 on january, since ´that time i´ve had great times with it, first of all, for those saying that they are a little disappointed with their ps3´s should tell me what other consoles out there can play 3 different gen games, free online, 1080p res, 60 gigs out of the box, soon to have home(which for me is the biggest online capability of the current gen, this is true nex gen).

besides you should tell me if you are disappointed WITH your ps3 or WITH the lazy Devs not making games for it, or good ports. there´s Bethesda which did a great job with Oblivion showing that the ps3 can handle better graphics and better load times.

Now, i´m very happy with my ps3, i have resistance, and i´ve never been a fan of FPS but resistance changed that for me, online was great, tell me what other console can handle 40 online players, with no lag and solid frame rate?, i also have ridge race, well ridge racer ah? :roll:

i have oblivion too, what can i say about it that hasnt been said yet??

and i have virtua tennis too, the only complaint i have is that it doesnt have online, but thats not ps3 fault, guess how´s fault is?? yeah the devs, so far i couldnt be happier with my ps3, but also, couldnt be more angry with the lazy axx devs.

thanks for your time, i rest my case :D

you are so rite. people complaining that they like the ps 2 erra better but i guess people forgot that was like when it first came out. they probly got the ps 2 later in its life cycle. the ps 3 just began and people act like it is about to end already. like we lived 6 years already. slow down people and stop with the rushings of this gen. mite take a year or so for the ps 3 to shine so for the people that have one should of waited. but im happy that i already have one because i already spent the 500 on it now all i have to do is buy the game i want when it comes out.

I don't have a PS3, I just like to go around differant forums to see whats up :D I definitely agree though, people now and days aren't able to grasp the simplest of things. They expect holograms, using helmets that can read your thoughts and put it into a game, and all sorts of BS that won't b e around for the next 20 years :p Thats what alot expected out of the next gen... seriously. Though its funny how its only the 360 and the PS3 people who argue with eachother, the people saying crap about the other console have no clue what they are saying. Then you look over at Nintendo as they sit on the side lines, I havn't found a post locked on their forums because some douche started saying how the Wii owns :D Anyways, just be happy with what you have because you go through it like cell phones, as soon as the next gen comes out who cares what you have now and yeah that won't be for years, but when it does, all your games and accessories, or anything else will be... I guess worthless :p I miss my N64 :cry:
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#58 mikebama1
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts
I returned my Xbox 360 in late March with the thought of getting an Xbox Elite. April was a very slow month for games coming out, so I decided to get a PS3 with the thought that I wouldn't like it and just take back at the end of the month. After giving the system alot of playing time. I can tell you that the PS3 is a very powerful machine. The future is going to be awesome for this system and although the 360 is a nice machine, the future graphics for PS3 and processing power will be great. I'm not getting a 360 now and can't wait for the future titles. Give it some time, the system is very young.
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#59 Sgt_Hale
Member since 2007 • 2257 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

You missed a big word in my post "research". It was known well before launch that not all the titles they initially mentioned would be released. Yes there were a few titles that surprisingly didn't end up at launch but what? Already saying "didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives" and "We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much" proves you're just a "regular consumer" and not one who has done any research on the machine before purchasing it.

You should've known what you were getting into spending that much money on this machine. And it really bites that you haven't gotten anything out of it yet, but many out there have had a good time with their Playstation 3's. You don't use Bluray? too bad. You don't like the games out currently? Too bad. You've made your purchase, it was your choice, suck up and take the hit in your wallet. Suck it up and wait. There's nothing else you can do about it is there?

If you knew anything, you would know that Playstation 3 still has a tonne of exclusives left, even if it did lose "some" to multi-platform status. And as for the hype, hype is only a factor if you let yourself be influenced by it. Again that is your fault as a consumer.

I do use blu ray. Meh not that impressed. Its a Dvd with a sorta better picture. Nice! score i could of payed a third of that money to get the same thing. I researched that Resistance was supposed to be this great game.....I couldnt have been more let down in a game.  Ummm i can admit that I buy console for there major exclusives. I bought 360 for halo. Wii for the mario games. And Ps3 for games like assins creed and DMC. " Suck it up and wait" Bite me! As a customer i belive i deserve something in reutrn. I know it was my choice to buy it. I bit the bullet expecting something in reutrn other than a dust machine. The backwards compatibility doesnt even look good. I still dont like you

Yea, now it's clear that you don't own one at all. Saying that there is no difference between sdtv content and hd content is just ridiculous. Blu ray is 5-10x better than dvds. And the B/C looks the same on the PS3 as it does on the PS2. You're obviously full of it.

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#60 deactivated-57e89aee961d3
Member since 2005 • 83 Posts
I'm satisfied with my PS3 performance and potential, I'm just disapointed with the horrible game lineup (but time will fix that).
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#61 luludooobee111
Member since 2005 • 1427 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

You missed a big word in my post "research". It was known well before launch that not all the titles they initially mentioned would be released. Yes there were a few titles that surprisingly didn't end up at launch but what? Already saying "didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives" and "We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much" proves you're just a "regular consumer" and not one who has done any research on the machine before purchasing it.

You should've known what you were getting into spending that much money on this machine. And it really bites that you haven't gotten anything out of it yet, but many out there have had a good time with their Playstation 3's. You don't use Bluray? too bad. You don't like the games out currently? Too bad. You've made your purchase, it was your choice, suck up and take the hit in your wallet. Suck it up and wait. There's nothing else you can do about it is there?

If you knew anything, you would know that Playstation 3 still has a tonne of exclusives left, even if it did lose "some" to multi-platform status. And as for the hype, hype is only a factor if you let yourself be influenced by it. Again that is your fault as a consumer.

I do use blu ray. Meh not that impressed. Its a Dvd with a sorta better picture. Nice! score i could of payed a third of that money to get the same thing. I researched that Resistance was supposed to be this great game.....I couldnt have been more let down in a game.  Ummm i can admit that I buy console for there major exclusives. I bought 360 for halo. Wii for the mario games. And Ps3 for games like assins creed and DMC. " Suck it up and wait" Bite me! As a customer i belive i deserve something in reutrn. I know it was my choice to buy it. I bit the bullet expecting something in reutrn other than a dust machine. The backwards compatibility doesnt even look good. I still dont like you

Yea, now it's clear that you don't own one at all. Saying that there is no difference between sdtv content and hd content is just ridiculous. Blu ray is 5-10x better than dvds. And the B/C looks the same on the PS3 as it does on the PS2. You're obviously full of it.

Haha i was just waiting for someone to try this. Is there any way i can prove it. Ill send you a friend request right now. What do you want from me?
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#62 luludooobee111
Member since 2005 • 1427 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

You missed a big word in my post "research". It was known well before launch that not all the titles they initially mentioned would be released. Yes there were a few titles that surprisingly didn't end up at launch but what? Already saying "didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives" and "We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much" proves you're just a "regular consumer" and not one who has done any research on the machine before purchasing it.

You should've known what you were getting into spending that much money on this machine. And it really bites that you haven't gotten anything out of it yet, but many out there have had a good time with their Playstation 3's. You don't use Bluray? too bad. You don't like the games out currently? Too bad. You've made your purchase, it was your choice, suck up and take the hit in your wallet. Suck it up and wait. There's nothing else you can do about it is there?

If you knew anything, you would know that Playstation 3 still has a tonne of exclusives left, even if it did lose "some" to multi-platform status. And as for the hype, hype is only a factor if you let yourself be influenced by it. Again that is your fault as a consumer.

I do use blu ray. Meh not that impressed. Its a Dvd with a sorta better picture. Nice! score i could of payed a third of that money to get the same thing. I researched that Resistance was supposed to be this great game.....I couldnt have been more let down in a game.  Ummm i can admit that I buy console for there major exclusives. I bought 360 for halo. Wii for the mario games. And Ps3 for games like assins creed and DMC. " Suck it up and wait" Bite me! As a customer i belive i deserve something in reutrn. I know it was my choice to buy it. I bit the bullet expecting something in reutrn other than a dust machine. The backwards compatibility doesnt even look good. I still dont like you

Yea, now it's clear that you don't own one at all. Saying that there is no difference between sdtv content and hd content is just ridiculous. Blu ray is 5-10x better than dvds. And the B/C looks the same on the PS3 as it does on the PS2. You're obviously full of it.

Haha i was just waiting for someone to try this. Is there any way i can prove it. Ill send you a friend request right now. What do you want from me?
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#63 jdeper
Member since 2003 • 117 Posts

Q. are you satisfied with your ps3?

A. Yes, i am. I'm looking forward to the great games and new unique features to come to the system. The community seems more mature as well, compared to other systems. goodbye

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#64 qa2198
Member since 2003 • 42 Posts
I am happy with my PS3, but can they please open it up for us and allow upconversion of DVD's,
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#66 rothman713
Member since 2007 • 693 Posts

I do use blu ray. Meh not that impressed. Its a Dvd with a sorta better pictureluludooobee111

I do drive a Ferrari. Meh not that impressed. Its a Civic with a sorta better engine


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#67 Sgt_Hale
Member since 2007 • 2257 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

First of all, it's only lost 3 exclusives... less than the 360. Second, it still has more exclusives coming out than the other two systems this year. Third, the final launch games were announced in October and did not change after that... so it seems to me that you just made an ill-informed decision.

First off- Its lost all its best exclusives. second, not any good ones. third, There huge Titles arent even getting released in the near future so bite me!

Lol, you're a troll. MGS4, GOW, Rachet & Clank, GT5, Jak & Dexter & FFXIII are still exclusives... Those are their best exclusives. The only ones they've lost are Ace Combat, Armored Core, and GTA. Out of the 3, GTA was really the only big franchise. And just about ALL of the exclusives announced for 2007 are highly anticipated games... unlike most of the releases for the other two systems. Lastly, MGS4 comes out in Nov. Once again, you're just full of it.

Almost forgot to add DMC4 to the 'lost' column. But I'd gladly take DMC multiplat to get NGS knowing we get HS and the next GOW also. You live in your own little world. Pathetic.

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#68 rothman713
Member since 2007 • 693 Posts

Lol, you're a troll. MGS4, GOW, Rachet & Clank, GT5, Jak & Dexter & FFXIII are still exclusives... Those are their best exclusives. The only ones they've lost are Ace Combat, Armored Core, and GTA. Out of the 3, GTA was really the only big franchise. And just about ALL of the exclusives announced for 2007 are highly anticipated games... unlike most of the releases for the other two systems. Lastly, MGS4 comes out in Nov. Once again, you're just full of it. Sgt_Hale

Awesome response. And I agree.

Even if we lose all our exclusives (which is what a troll would forecast :roll: ), I'd take this system. Nothing like running games reliably and scratch-free-ly. Exclusives or multiplats.

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#69 jakndaxter7223
Member since 2005 • 2101 Posts

you must wait for this summer.......good stuff will come out. Rainbow Six Vegas Lair, Mercenaries 2, Warhawk, etc

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#70 ex-paranoia
Member since 2003 • 331 Posts

[QUOTE="qa2198"]I am happy with my PS3, but can they please open it up for us and allow upconversion of DVD's,luludooobee111
No dude the system sucks

More proof that you lack research skills. Phil Harrison has already stated that upconversion for DVDs is in the works and will be included in a future Firmware release.

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#71 joeingo
Member since 2005 • 41 Posts
i was a diehard playstation fan (ps1 and ps2 the day it came out) but i ended up getting a 360 over a ps3. it was cheaper and had a better line up.  the ps3 was expensive and had a crappy line up. im disapointed with sony at having to have the bluray and not doing an ad on like microsoft did for hddvd. but regardless im in awe of its capabilities wishing a few mistakes weren't made, oh well if the price drops i might get one...
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#72 Sgt_Hale
Member since 2007 • 2257 Posts

you must wait for this summer.......good stuff will come out. Rainbow Six Vegas Lair, Mercenaries 2, Warhawk, etc


Mercs 2 isn't out until this fall, but yea it does look awesome. Plus NGS, HS, LBP, & The Darkness will all be available this summer.

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#73 luludooobee111
Member since 2005 • 1427 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

First of all, it's only lost 3 exclusives... less than the 360. Second, it still has more exclusives coming out than the other two systems this year. Third, the final launch games were announced in October and did not change after that... so it seems to me that you just made an ill-informed decision.

First off- Its lost all its best exclusives. second, not any good ones. third, There huge Titles arent even getting released in the near future so bite me!

Lol, you're a troll. MGS4, GOW, Rachet & Clank, GT5, Jak & Dexter & FFXIII are still exclusives... Those are their best exclusives. The only ones they've lost are Ace Combat, Armored Core, and GTA. Out of the 3, GTA was really the only big franchise. And just about ALL of the exclusives announced for 2007 are highly anticipated games... unlike most of the releases for the other two systems. Lastly, MGS4 comes out in Nov. Once again, you're just full of it.

Almost forgot to add DMC4 to the 'lost' column. But I'd gladly take DMC multiplat to get NGS knowing we get HS and the next GOW also. You live in your own little world. Pathetic.

First off. Nice comeback! Secondly Patheitc just not very nice. And didnt the Ps3 lose MGS4 and FFXIII? Imr eally just trying to have a nice conversation of why this system isnt very good. Completely for got about ratchet and clank, but the game isnt going to come out for so long. Its such an expensive thing for so very little
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#74 ex-paranoia
Member since 2003 • 331 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

First of all, it's only lost 3 exclusives... less than the 360. Second, it still has more exclusives coming out than the other two systems this year. Third, the final launch games were announced in October and did not change after that... so it seems to me that you just made an ill-informed decision.

First off- Its lost all its best exclusives. second, not any good ones. third, There huge Titles arent even getting released in the near future so bite me!

Lol, you're a troll. MGS4, GOW, Rachet & Clank, GT5, Jak & Dexter & FFXIII are still exclusives... Those are their best exclusives. The only ones they've lost are Ace Combat, Armored Core, and GTA. Out of the 3, GTA was really the only big franchise. And just about ALL of the exclusives announced for 2007 are highly anticipated games... unlike most of the releases for the other two systems. Lastly, MGS4 comes out in Nov. Once again, you're just full of it.

Almost forgot to add DMC4 to the 'lost' column. But I'd gladly take DMC multiplat to get NGS knowing we get HS and the next GOW also. You live in your own little world. Pathetic.

First off. Nice comeback! Secondly Patheitc just not very nice. And didnt the Ps3 lose MGS4 and FFXIII? Imr eally just trying to have a nice conversation of why this system isnt very good. Completely for got about ratchet and clank, but the game isnt going to come out for so long. Its such an expensive thing for so very little

No, MGS4 and FFXIII are still exclusives.

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#75 luludooobee111
Member since 2005 • 1427 Posts

[QUOTE="luludooobee111"][QUOTE="qa2198"]I am happy with my PS3, but can they please open it up for us and allow upconversion of DVD's,ex-paranoia

No dude the system sucks

More proof that you lack research skills. Phil Harrison has already stated that upconversion for DVDs is in the works and will be included in a future Firmware release.

"More proof you lack the research" haha. Will you ask phil harrison when his sytem is going to get good?
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#76 ex-paranoia
Member since 2003 • 331 Posts

i was a diehard playstation fan (ps1 and ps2 the day it came out) but i ended up getting a 360 over a ps3. it was cheaper and had a better line up.  the ps3 was expensive and had a crappy line up. im disapointed with sony at having to have the bluray and not doing an ad on like microsoft did for hddvd. but regardless im in awe of its capabilities wishing a few mistakes weren't made, oh well if the price drops i might get one...joeingo

It's not an addon because gaming isn't an option. Bluray is a gaming medium as well as a movie medium.

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#77 Sgt_Hale
Member since 2007 • 2257 Posts

i was a diehard playstation fan (ps1 and ps2 the day it came out) but i ended up getting a 360 over a ps3. it was cheaper and had a better line up.  the ps3 was expensive and had a crappy line up. im disapointed with sony at having to have the bluray and not doing an ad on like microsoft did for hddvd. but regardless im in awe of its capabilities wishing a few mistakes weren't made, oh well if the price drops i might get one...joeingo

If Sony hadn't waited to make sure they could add blu ray, they'd be in the same boat as MS right now. Some devs are already discussing the fact that dvd9's are limiting their games especially when trying to make them multiplatform... the one that everyone is talking about right now is GTA IV. That was huge for the lead designer to state that the 360 is actually hindering the progress of the game b/c of a lack of hdd's on all the consoles and the fact that dvd9's have less than 1/5 of the space available on blu ray. Overall, Sony's machine is going to have the most to offer to gaming b/c of their decisions. B/c of MS making their hd-dvd player an add on, it won't be usable for game developers b/c not everyone will have one on their 360, sad.

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#78 luludooobee111
Member since 2005 • 1427 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

First of all, it's only lost 3 exclusives... less than the 360. Second, it still has more exclusives coming out than the other two systems this year. Third, the final launch games were announced in October and did not change after that... so it seems to me that you just made an ill-informed decision.

First off- Its lost all its best exclusives. second, not any good ones. third, There huge Titles arent even getting released in the near future so bite me!

Lol, you're a troll. MGS4, GOW, Rachet & Clank, GT5, Jak & Dexter & FFXIII are still exclusives... Those are their best exclusives. The only ones they've lost are Ace Combat, Armored Core, and GTA. Out of the 3, GTA was really the only big franchise. And just about ALL of the exclusives announced for 2007 are highly anticipated games... unlike most of the releases for the other two systems. Lastly, MGS4 comes out in Nov. Once again, you're just full of it.

Almost forgot to add DMC4 to the 'lost' column. But I'd gladly take DMC multiplat to get NGS knowing we get HS and the next GOW also. You live in your own little world. Pathetic.

First off. Nice comeback! Secondly Patheitc just not very nice. And didnt the Ps3 lose MGS4 and FFXIII? Imr eally just trying to have a nice conversation of why this system isnt very good. Completely for got about ratchet and clank, but the game isnt going to come out for so long. Its such an expensive thing for so very little

No, MGS4 and FFXIII are still exclusives.

Im almost positive that they had stated that MGS4 is coming to the 360 6 months after the release date of the PS3's.
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#79 ex-paranoia
Member since 2003 • 331 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

First of all, it's only lost 3 exclusives... less than the 360. Second, it still has more exclusives coming out than the other two systems this year. Third, the final launch games were announced in October and did not change after that... so it seems to me that you just made an ill-informed decision.

First off- Its lost all its best exclusives. second, not any good ones. third, There huge Titles arent even getting released in the near future so bite me!

Lol, you're a troll. MGS4, GOW, Rachet & Clank, GT5, Jak & Dexter & FFXIII are still exclusives... Those are their best exclusives. The only ones they've lost are Ace Combat, Armored Core, and GTA. Out of the 3, GTA was really the only big franchise. And just about ALL of the exclusives announced for 2007 are highly anticipated games... unlike most of the releases for the other two systems. Lastly, MGS4 comes out in Nov. Once again, you're just full of it.

Almost forgot to add DMC4 to the 'lost' column. But I'd gladly take DMC multiplat to get NGS knowing we get HS and the next GOW also. You live in your own little world. Pathetic.

First off. Nice comeback! Secondly Patheitc just not very nice. And didnt the Ps3 lose MGS4 and FFXIII? Imr eally just trying to have a nice conversation of why this system isnt very good. Completely for got about ratchet and clank, but the game isnt going to come out for so long. Its such an expensive thing for so very little

No, MGS4 and FFXIII are still exclusives.

Im almost positive that they had stated that MGS4 is coming to the 360 6 months after the release date of the PS3's.

 Nope, exclusive. Kojima only stated that he would possibly "look to develop future games on Microsoft's console".

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#80 Sgt_Hale
Member since 2007 • 2257 Posts

Very satisfied. Use it everyday, be it for online gaming, watching movies (bluray, digital, dvd. etc.), media centre.

For everyone who complains about having bought the machine and having to wait 6 months, well, it was your decision to buy it that early, and if you're disapointed with it, there is nobody else to blame but yourselves. It's good to research a bit before you buy a product to know exactly what you're getting and when you'll be getting certain things.


Ummmm your dumb. Who knew it was going to be bad in first 6 months. They also lied to us saying that some of these games which are yet to come out would be launch titles.  We didnt know that it was going to lose half of its exlusives or did we know if any of these games were going to be good. We can easily blame advertsing or even people like you for hyping this system up so much

First of all, it's only lost 3 exclusives... less than the 360. Second, it still has more exclusives coming out than the other two systems this year. Third, the final launch games were announced in October and did not change after that... so it seems to me that you just made an ill-informed decision.

First off- Its lost all its best exclusives. second, not any good ones. third, There huge Titles arent even getting released in the near future so bite me!

Lol, you're a troll. MGS4, GOW, Rachet & Clank, GT5, Jak & Dexter & FFXIII are still exclusives... Those are their best exclusives. The only ones they've lost are Ace Combat, Armored Core, and GTA. Out of the 3, GTA was really the only big franchise. And just about ALL of the exclusives announced for 2007 are highly anticipated games... unlike most of the releases for the other two systems. Lastly, MGS4 comes out in Nov. Once again, you're just full of it.

Almost forgot to add DMC4 to the 'lost' column. But I'd gladly take DMC multiplat to get NGS knowing we get HS and the next GOW also. You live in your own little world. Pathetic.

First off. Nice comeback! Secondly Patheitc just not very nice. And didnt the Ps3 lose MGS4 and FFXIII? Imr eally just trying to have a nice conversation of why this system isnt very good. Completely for got about ratchet and clank, but the game isnt going to come out for so long. Its such an expensive thing for so very little

No, MGS4 and FFXIII are still exclusives.

And also, Rachet & Clank actually comes out in Nov also... around the same time as MGS4. NGS, LAIR, & Warhawk all come out over the next 1-3 mths... there's just too much good gaming on the way.

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#81 luludooobee111
Member since 2005 • 1427 Posts

Man its just been too long. 6 moths for a very expensive machine. I really dont see how anyone couldnt agree with me. yeah it probably will have a bright future, but as of right now it has a chance of failing miserably. WHy cant you admit that right now you arent happy with your PS3. I want probably every game you want, but im kind of expecting them to be a bust, because nothing so far is that good.

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#82 Col_Swamp
Member since 2006 • 937 Posts

i like my ps3. i think my psp and ps3 make a great team, the only problem that i have with my ps3 is the fact that there arnt too many games out on it. right now it is kinda collecting dust, but this summer and fall are gonna see some great things for the ps3 and many hours spent in front of my tv. all in all i am satisfied, but this summer and fall i will be overwhelmed by the greatnes!

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#83 luludooobee111
Member since 2005 • 1427 Posts

Man its just been too long. 6 moths for a very expensive machine. I really dont see how anyone couldnt agree with me. yeah it probably will have a bright future, but as of right now it has a chance of failing miserably. WHy cant you admit that right now you arent happy with your PS3. I want probably every game you want, but im kind of expecting them to be a bust, because nothing so far is that good.

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#84 ex-paranoia
Member since 2003 • 331 Posts
You really didn't have to double post, especially 1 post after the other.
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#85 luludooobee111
Member since 2005 • 1427 Posts
You really didn't have to double post, especially 1 post after the other.ex-paranoia
Woah still dont like you.
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#86 namcoman67
Member since 2003 • 633 Posts
when the PS2 came out i didnt like the launch titles my first game was The Bouncer which wasnt a great game the only game i loved in 1999 was Tekken Tag. for me the great games didnt come out until 2001 so everybody just needs to either wait to buy the PS3 or if they are going to buy it now stop complaining. many great games will come out just got to wait. but then again even on the 360 or wii nothing intrested me right now. 360 is not my cup of tea i need more choices than just first person shooters and sports. nothing is out on current gen consoles, no great horror games didnt like F.E.A.R. much, no great action adventure, or beat em ups. games i want though are Heavenly Sword, Lair, God of War 3, Tekken 6, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Resident Evil 5, Alone In The Dark, Silent Hill 5 if its more than a rumor, and of course a game from the team that created ICO they already said they want to make a PS3 game. Devil May Cry 4 if it doesnt come out like Devil May Cry 2 but then again the team that created the original Devil May Cry is working on Devil May Cry 4 so it should come out good, and many more.
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#87 M_Fresh
Member since 2006 • 382 Posts
Im happy with mine....
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#88 MGSFan27285
Member since 2004 • 850 Posts

[QUOTE="meharu"]Actually i've decided to post this cause i have to get this feeling out of my chest,i want to share it with you guys.I still remember how excited and happy when i bought my ps3 on the 27th of march,Motorstorm was my first game it is cool but later i began to hear some rumors like resident evil 5 may not come to the ps3,ps4 will be releases in 2008 cause the ps3 was a failure,(snip) nuyorican84

Huh? Where did you read that? I thought that was just an idle rumor.

it was an idle rumor, and is not going to happen, if this guy would acctually read the articles and not the headers, he'd get the point. its even on GS rumor controll, as satisfed with my system even though i have to get it fixed for a HDMI prob, but its people like this guy that make me angry...seriously, sony invested way too much money into the cell to just throw it away after a year, fricken moron 

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#89 Sgt_Hale
Member since 2007 • 2257 Posts

Man its just been too long. 6 moths for a very expensive machine. I really dont see how anyone couldnt agree with me. yeah it probably will have a bright future, but as of right now it has a chance of failing miserably. WHy cant you admit that right now you arent happy with your PS3. I want probably every game you want, but im kind of expecting them to be a bust, because nothing so far is that good.


Lol, well I think the reason we can't admit it is b/c we actually like our PS3. R:FOM is awesome. Motorstorm is pretty awesome... wish it had 2 player but I'm even happy with the tracks it has just b/c the gameplay is so fun. VF5 is awesome. Gundam Musou is pretty fun (although you have to import it b/c it's only available in Japan). RR7 & Untold Kingdoms are decent, not great but still pretty fun. NBA Homecourt is awesome. Oblivion is awesome. F1 is awesome if you like techincal racers. COD 3 & Blazing Angels are decent games. There's actually quite a bit to enjoy on the system right now which is why most ppl are taking you as someone who either doesn't own the system or just has funny taste in games. Yes, EVERYONE is still waiting on the major releases, but they're all just a few months away. The PS3 is pumping out quality games faster than the 360 did and obviously faster than the Wii.... there just isn't much to be disatisfied about for us early adopters. NGS & The Darkness in June. Lair in July. Warhawk and Heaveny Sword in August. And then 3-4 major games every month from Sept on (AND Home).... what's not to like?

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#90 montynana
Member since 2006 • 50 Posts
ok so i have all three wii 360 and ps3. The ps3 is a great system and i just got it on the weekend for an early b day from my girlfriend. I think we have to wait for the ps3 games to come out just like the 360.remeber everyone who owns a 360. When did gow came out that was the first great title that placed the 360 on the map. The ps3 has a  great racing game for the 360 it was pgr ps3 was motorstorm or f1. shooter was pdz but the ps3 had resistance, and Ubisoft has began to make games assasins creed, vegas and graw 2. The ps4 comin out will be an entertainment upgrade. Something that will have a lot more features kinda like the elite. Sony is doing an ok job and will do alot more better in the fall or even at the end of the month with sigma alone. I had the original ninja gaiden but i am going to buy this one just because of the two swords. PS3 shouldnt start getting the cold shoulder till its best games come out, killzone, and so on. 
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#91 montynana
Member since 2006 • 50 Posts
ok so i have all three wii 360 and ps3. The ps3 is a great system and i just got it on the weekend for an early b day from my girlfriend. I think we have to wait for the ps3 games to come out just like the 360.remeber everyone who owns a 360. When did gow came out that was the first great title that placed the 360 on the map. The ps3 has a  great racing game for the 360 it was pgr ps3 was motorstorm or f1. shooter was pdz but the ps3 had resistance, and Ubisoft has began to make games assasins creed, vegas and graw 2. The ps4 comin out will be an entertainment upgrade. Something that will have a lot more features kinda like the elite. Sony is doing an ok job and will do alot more better in the fall or even at the end of the month with sigma alone. I had the original ninja gaiden but i am going to buy this one just because of the two swords. PS3 shouldnt start getting the cold shoulder till its best games come out, killzone, and so on. 
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#92 ermacness
Member since 2005 • 10964 Posts
[QUOTE="ex-paranoia"]You really didn't have to double post, especially 1 post after the other.luludooobee111
Woah still dont like you.

u aren't very bright are u???!?!? MGS4 & FFXIII r still sony exclusives and might i add that sony did make the top 10 software developement as of now (from a list i seen previously). Oh and as 4 ur little comment on "the real heavy hitters won't show up 4 a long time" ur wrong cuz ninja gaiden sigma comes out next month lair comes out in july followed by heavenly sword in august and then in september we get ratchet and clank and warhawk and then the next month is when HOME comes out 4 the ps3 and then after that we got MGS4 and drake; uncharted adv comes out, so Q3-Q4 look real promising 4 ps3 not 2 mention that more than probably/likely GTA4 will look/performing better on ps3 from what we heard the creators of GTA4 with the dvd-drive and the HDD-less 360 so we'll see, but ur facts r horribly flawed
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#93 ofx360
Member since 2003 • 729 Posts
I guess u could say im having buyers remorse. I feel like i bought the ps3 to early. I have nba homecourt, resistance, motorstorm, and oblivion. I had tons of fun with those games but i can just feel the fun dying down and the next good game to come out is way later not even home is come out soon. Its also kinda depressing to see about 300 people online on motorstorm and near 0 people on homecourt at least resistance is thriving. And to actually answer his question, no, no im not satisfied with my ps3. I watched one bluray one it and the was talladega nights (which is my fault but im just saying "$600") the lack of cool features like custom background music and all that stuff leave me disappointed and the fact that theres just really no community, its saddening, especially wen i own a 360(sorry). The lack of games is slightly understandable(its early) but how about some demos or some downloadable games(hurry up Jaffy). I just with i could do more wen i turn on my ps3 i guess.
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#94 oscar530
Member since 2005 • 4430 Posts
Yes, I am
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#95 ofx360
Member since 2003 • 729 Posts

[QUOTE="luludooobee111"][QUOTE="ex-paranoia"]You really didn't have to double post, especially 1 post after the other.ermacness
Woah still dont like you.

u aren't very bright are u???!?!? MGS4 & FFXIII r still sony exclusives and might i add that sony did make the top 10 software developement as of now (from a list i seen previously). Oh and as 4 ur little comment on "the real heavy hitters won't show up 4 a long time" ur wrong cuz ninja gaiden sigma comes out next month lair comes out in july followed by heavenly sword in august and then in september we get ratchet and clank and warhawk and then the next month is when HOME comes out 4 the ps3 and then after that we got MGS4 and drake; uncharted adv comes out, so Q3-Q4 look real promising 4 ps3 not 2 mention that more than probably/likely GTA4 will look/performing better on ps3 from what we heard the creators of GTA4 with the dvd-drive and the HDD-less 360 so we'll see, but ur facts r horribly flawed

Ok face it HALO is probably the biggest thing that will hit this year(or gta) anything (except gta) will be overshadowed by the power known as Halo 3. The only thing that could stop it is halo 3 tanking but thats not probable. That is a huge factor facing the exclusivity of MGS4 and a ton of next years stuff. Cause no dev is like "tha fan boys on sony is cool lets keep developing for them" NO they go where the moneys at. Another thing that could tip it away is gta4 doing better on the 360 marginally. If that happens say bye to 3rd party exclusives. And it is possible cause there are a crap-ton more people on the 360 then there are ps3 users so... yea. Just food for thought

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#96 ex-paranoia
Member since 2003 • 331 Posts

[QUOTE="ermacness"][QUOTE="luludooobee111"][QUOTE="ex-paranoia"]You really didn't have to double post, especially 1 post after the other.ofx360

Woah still dont like you.

u aren't very bright are u???!?!? MGS4 & FFXIII r still sony exclusives and might i add that sony did make the top 10 software developement as of now (from a list i seen previously). Oh and as 4 ur little comment on "the real heavy hitters won't show up 4 a long time" ur wrong cuz ninja gaiden sigma comes out next month lair comes out in july followed by heavenly sword in august and then in september we get ratchet and clank and warhawk and then the next month is when HOME comes out 4 the ps3 and then after that we got MGS4 and drake; uncharted adv comes out, so Q3-Q4 look real promising 4 ps3 not 2 mention that more than probably/likely GTA4 will look/performing better on ps3 from what we heard the creators of GTA4 with the dvd-drive and the HDD-less 360 so we'll see, but ur facts r horribly flawed

Ok face it HALO is probably the biggest thing that will hit this year(or gta) anything (except gta) will be overshadowed by the power known as Halo 3. The only thing that could stop it is halo 3 tanking but thats not probable. That is a huge factor facing the exclusivity of MGS4 and a ton of next years stuff. Cause no dev is like "tha fan boys on sony a cool lets keep developing for them" NO they go where the moneys at. Another thing that could tip it away is gta4 doing better on the 360 marginally. If that happens say bye to 3 party exclusives. And it is possible cause there are a crap-ton more people on the 360 then there are ps3 users so... yea. Just food for thought 

Halo has nothing to do with Playstation 3's success. ZERO.

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#97 luludooobee111
Member since 2005 • 1427 Posts

[QUOTE="ermacness"][QUOTE="luludooobee111"][QUOTE="ex-paranoia"]You really didn't have to double post, especially 1 post after the other.ex-paranoia

Woah still dont like you.

u aren't very bright are u???!?!? MGS4 & FFXIII r still sony exclusives and might i add that sony did make the top 10 software developement as of now (from a list i seen previously). Oh and as 4 ur little comment on "the real heavy hitters won't show up 4 a long time" ur wrong cuz ninja gaiden sigma comes out next month lair comes out in july followed by heavenly sword in august and then in september we get ratchet and clank and warhawk and then the next month is when HOME comes out 4 the ps3 and then after that we got MGS4 and drake; uncharted adv comes out, so Q3-Q4 look real promising 4 ps3 not 2 mention that more than probably/likely GTA4 will look/performing better on ps3 from what we heard the creators of GTA4 with the dvd-drive and the HDD-less 360 so we'll see, but ur facts r horribly flawed

Ok face it HALO is probably the biggest thing that will hit this year(or gta) anything (except gta) will be overshadowed by the power known as Halo 3. The only thing that could stop it is halo 3 tanking but thats not probable. That is a huge factor facing the exclusivity of MGS4 and a ton of next years stuff. Cause no dev is like "tha fan boys on sony a cool lets keep developing for them" NO they go where the moneys at. Another thing that could tip it away is gta4 doing better on the 360 marginally. If that happens say bye to 3 party exclusives. And it is possible cause there are a crap-ton more people on the 360 then there are ps3 users so... yea. Just food for thought 

Halo has nothing to do with Playstation 3's success. ZERO.

Still dont like you
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#98 ofx360
Member since 2003 • 729 Posts

[QUOTE="ermacness"][QUOTE="luludooobee111"][QUOTE="ex-paranoia"]You really didn't have to double post, especially 1 post after the other.ex-paranoia

Woah still dont like you.

u aren't very bright are u???!?!? MGS4 & FFXIII r still sony exclusives and might i add that sony did make the top 10 software developement as of now (from a list i seen previously). Oh and as 4 ur little comment on "the real heavy hitters won't show up 4 a long time" ur wrong cuz ninja gaiden sigma comes out next month lair comes out in july followed by heavenly sword in august and then in september we get ratchet and clank and warhawk and then the next month is when HOME comes out 4 the ps3 and then after that we got MGS4 and drake; uncharted adv comes out, so Q3-Q4 look real promising 4 ps3 not 2 mention that more than probably/likely GTA4 will look/performing better on ps3 from what we heard the creators of GTA4 with the dvd-drive and the HDD-less 360 so we'll see, but ur facts r horribly flawed

Ok face it HALO is probably the biggest thing that will hit this year(or gta) anything (except gta) will be overshadowed by the power known as Halo 3. The only thing that could stop it is halo 3 tanking but thats not probable. That is a huge factor facing the exclusivity of MGS4 and a ton of next years stuff. Cause no dev is like "tha fan boys on sony a cool lets keep developing for them" NO they go where the moneys at. Another thing that could tip it away is gta4 doing better on the 360 marginally. If that happens say bye to 3 party exclusives. And it is possible cause there are a crap-ton more people on the 360 then there are ps3 users so... yea. Just food for thought

Halo has nothing to do with Playstation 3's success. ZERO.

do u read? 

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#99 machoa14
Member since 2005 • 248 Posts
I do not want to compare to much but I remember when the other system came out there were not really any great games until about a year after launch. So that being said I am pleased with my PS3. Although I have been having bluetooth or controller problems. (anyone else?). Oh the other thing, the customer service people for Playstation are some of the most knowledgeable polite. patient and cool people I have talked on a customer service line. Props to Sony for getting that part right.
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#100 ex-paranoia
Member since 2003 • 331 Posts

[QUOTE="ermacness"][QUOTE="luludooobee111"][QUOTE="ex-paranoia"]You really didn't have to double post, especially 1 post after the other.ofx360

Woah still dont like you.

u aren't very bright are u???!?!? MGS4 & FFXIII r still sony exclusives and might i add that sony did make the top 10 software developement as of now (from a list i seen previously). Oh and as 4 ur little comment on "the real heavy hitters won't show up 4 a long time" ur wrong cuz ninja gaiden sigma comes out next month lair comes out in july followed by heavenly sword in august and then in september we get ratchet and clank and warhawk and then the next month is when HOME comes out 4 the ps3 and then after that we got MGS4 and drake; uncharted adv comes out, so Q3-Q4 look real promising 4 ps3 not 2 mention that more than probably/likely GTA4 will look/performing better on ps3 from what we heard the creators of GTA4 with the dvd-drive and the HDD-less 360 so we'll see, but ur facts r horribly flawed

Ok face it HALO is probably the biggest thing that will hit this year(or gta) anything (except gta) will be overshadowed by the power known as Halo 3. The only thing that could stop it is halo 3 tanking but thats not probable. That is a huge factor facing the exclusivity of MGS4 and a ton of next years stuff. Cause no dev is like "tha fan boys on sony a cool lets keep developing for them" NO they go where the moneys at. Another thing that could tip it away is gta4 doing better on the 360 marginally. If that happens say bye to 3 party exclusives. And it is possible cause there are a crap-ton more people on the 360 then there are ps3 users so... yea. Just food for thought

Halo has nothing to do with Playstation 3's success. ZERO.

do u read? 

Yes and your post inplicitely says that the release of HALO, coupled with a failure of the Playstation 3 version of GTAIV will cause 3rd party developers to go over to "where the moenys at" and implicitely to the 360.

If you've read, developers are complainnig about the 260's lack of storage capacity and the fact that there are 'core' systems without hard drives. If anything, developers will migrate to the Playstation 3 platform.