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CoD4 and Ut3 are probably your best choices right now ( UT3 in a week and a half)
Warhawk is good if you want variety, it is fun, but the lack of communication is really annoying, for me it almost feels like im just playing against bots :o
I would advise you to buy Call of Duty 4. Warhawk is a fun game if you are into flight simulators. The ground combat in Warhawk is fun although it is often ruined by other people's use of Warhawks. As for COD4 I think if you just play it once you will have made up your mind. Amazing multiplayer, intense single player bring numerous options. Also buy Resistance: Fall of Man which will provide you with a nice option from a different perspective when you are not playing COD4.
Add me when you get it man: MKtheBulgarian
Last quick question! Please tell me that clans play a huge factor in CoD4, I love the competitiveness it brings. drz23
I wouldnt say huge. There are clans, but maybe I just don't think so because im not a part of one? :o
they are probably a bigger factor than in Warhawk tho
hmmm i've heard verrrry good things about COD4 and i plan on picking it up... but right now im still enjoying the hell out of Warhawk... i don tknow why either!!! its just great balanced gameplay i think.... i got warhawk on release day and still play it everyday... even after beating halo 3 and playing multiplayer there I still came back to warhawk... its a win win situation man... both are good games.
Ask your self this: Do i want a more arcadey fun shooter with lots of vehicles or do i want a more realistic shooter with deep online elements?
I would advise you to buy Call of Duty 4. Warhawk is a fun game if you are into flight simulators. The ground combat in Warhawk is fun although it is often ruined by other people's use of Warhawks. As for COD4 I think if you just play it once you will have made up your mind. Amazing multiplayer, intense single player bring numerous options. Also buy Resistance: Fall of Man which will provide you with a nice option from a different perspective when you are not playing COD4.
Add me when you get it man: MKtheBulgarian
sorry Warhawk is NOT a flight simulator... wayyy too arcade like to be called that... plus the tanks (my fave) and jeep are fun to run around in too... warhawk is an interesting hybrid of Crimson Skies for the Xbox and Star Wars Battlefront... very fun and arcade like, NOT simulater like
call of duty 4. this is a no brainer. warhawk is fun but cod4 might be the best FPS ever. the sp mode in hat game is ridiculously intense. warhawk has no single player.Space-Q
its also rediculously short, its only about 6 hours (disappointing!). both are multiplayer focused games.... warhawk is more vehicle and team focused while COD4 is FPS at its finest... i dunno there is a serious glut of FPSs lately so im gonna wait a bit on COD4.
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