Howdy everybody. It is me Grand and I am back to give you all some more great BC2 tips, this time it will be in the form of pins, insignias and online trophies. I wanted to do this with my original guide but at the time did not have many pins, did not have many of the insignias and I did not have all of the online trophies. Now I have all of the pins, 95% of the insignias and all of the trophies. I now want to use what I know on getting these awards and share them with you. First off:
Original Guide. This guide has all of the tips for the game, specs, maps, vehicles and weapons.
PSID thread for the game. I did not make this thread but it is so good that I wanted to add it in.
Ace pin(200 points)
How to get it: In a round be the best player with the highest score
Anti vehicle efficiency pin(100 points)
How to get it: In one round you need to blow up 4 vehicles. Sneak up on tanks place C4, use mortar strikes, RPGs or the easiest way place some good ol AT mines. Easiest map to do this on is Arica harbor
Avenger pin(100 points)
How to get it: You need to get 2 avenge kills in one round to get this pin. In order to do that you must kill the enemy that kills your teammate right after they do it.
Assault rifle efficiency pin(100 points.)
How to get it: Easy, just use the assault kit and get 7 kills in one round with any AR.
Air warfare pin(100 points)
How to get it: In order to get this pin you need to kill 5 enemies while in an air vehicle. So that means any helicopter or a UAV. You can get this easy if you can find a good pilot and you be the gunner. If you can't do that just use the UAV with alt fire.
Combat efficiency pin(100 points)
How to get it: You just need to get 6 kills in a row. This is very easy if you play as the sniper, if not just play the game as you normally would and you will get it eventually.
Combate excellent pin(200 points)
How to get it: This pin requires you to ger 8 kills in a row. As I said above this will come easy, especially if you snipe or get good at the game
Conquest winner pin(100 points)
How to get it: Simple, grabs some friends and win a round of conquest
Car warfare pin(100 points)
How to get it: I was a little confused at this pin at first but then I finally found out what you need to do. In order to get this pin you have to kill an enemy with the SUV type armored vehicles, cobra hummer etc, etc. You can either kill 4 enemies by running them over or kill them with the 50 cal. The best way to do this would be to part the vehicle in the back of a base and catch the enemies off gaurd. Hardcore is a lot easier. It is a tricky pin to get so don't get frustrated when you don't get it the first time around.
Emplacement efficiency pin(100 points)
How to get it: This pin can be achieved by killing 5 enemies in one round with any stationary weapon. This means the heavy machine guns or the stationary rocket. Nelson bay on the defending side can help with this.
Explosive efficiency pin(100 points)
How to get it: You need to kill 4 enemies in one round with any explosive. This means grenades, ATmines, C4 and I believe mortar strikes might count as well. To get this easy just plant some C4 around the bases and wait for some unsuspecting people to come in.
Flag attacker pin(100 points)
How to get it: To get this pin you need to play conquest and capture 4 flags. To do this you need to be the first person at a base. Make sure when you do go to capture flags you have team members with you, not only will it make it go a lot quicker but they can help pick off any enemies that try to come around.
Flag defender pin(100 points)
How to get it: Keeping with the conquest theme, this time you will need to kill 4 enemies in one round of conquest while they are trying to capture your flag. Easiest way to do this is to sit at one hot spot and wait for the enemies to roll in.
Grenade launcher efficiency pin(100 points)
How to get it: In the first BC it was almost impossible to kill even one person with the GL, thankfully in this version that has changeds. To get this pin you need to get 4 kills with the grenade launcher. So start off by choosing the assault kit, make sure you have the explosive power upgrade on and the explosive ammo upgrade. Aim for walls you know enemies are hiding behind and aim for groups of people who are running together.
Gold squad pin(200 points)
How to get it: In order to get this pin you and your squad need to be the best overall squad of that round. This is very easy if you have good friends who can help you out.
Handgun efficiency pin(100 points)
How to get it: To get this pin you will need to kill 4 enemies in one round with the hand gun. Pro tip, use the WW2 pistol.(That is the third one on the list) it is very powerful and very easy to get kills with.
Kill assist pin(100 points)
How to get it: To get this pin you need to do 7 kill assist in one game. To achieve a kill assist you need to help your teammate shoot and kill the enemy. This is very easy to achieve while playing non hardcore and being a sniper. You might just get more assist than kills lol.
Melee efficiency pin
How to get it. To get this pin you will need to knife 5 enemies in one round. Now that can be tricky with all of that gun fire going on. Forget the old saying "Never bring a knife to a gun fight" cause that is exactly what you will be doing here. Best way I found getting this is to choice the recon kit, why the recon you ask? Cause you can sneak around most maps while being very well hidden. You can either sneak up behind enemies and do this or wait for them to come to you. Good luck
LGM efficiency pin(100 points)
How to get it: Just choose the medic kit and kill 4 enemies in one round with any of the LMG. Fire in short burst to help out with the accuracy.
Mcom defender pin(100 points)
How to get this: In order to get this pin you will need to kill 4 enemies who are in the area of an Mcom base. This is a very easy pin that you will mostlikely get without even trying
Mcom attacker pin(100 points)
How to get it: This one is a bit harder to get. You will need to destroy 4 Mcom stations in one round. The easiest way to do this would be to find the map you know the best, when you are on the attacking side destroy any bases quickly and without alarming the enemies. So in other words C4 or if you can destroy the base from a distance with a vehicle or grenade launcher.
Medical ops pin(100 points)
How to get it: Very easy, just choose the medic kit and revive 5 dead guys on your team. This is a lot easier in non hardcore games that to the map and the little icon that is over a dead teammates body
Maintenance ops pin(100 points)
How to get it: Simple, you will need to do 7 repairs in one round. Choose the engineer kit and stay with any vehical. Everytime you see "Repair" or Squad repair" pop up that counts for one. You should get this in no time. Maps like Isle innocentes and Arica harbor are perfect for this.
Marksman effieciency pin(100 points)
How to get it: To get this pin you will not to score 5 headshots in one round. This is easy, just pic your favorite weapon and aim up when shooting. When using the sniper aim a little above the head thanks to the bullet drop.
The nemesis pin(200 points)
How to get it: My favorite pin in the whole game. The nemesis pin. This will require 10% luck and 90% dominance. In order to get this pin you will need to kill one poor bastard five times in one round. Like I said it really just requires to be playing like a champ and to get lucky.Once you get good you will have no problem picking these bad boys up. I have 106 myself8)
Payback pin(200 points)
How to get it: Ok, lets just say you are the poor bastard who gets killed 5 times by one really good or lucky hotshot. Find this hotshot, teach him or her a lesson and snag this pin.
Navel warfare pin(100 points)
How to get it: Ok, this is the worst and probably hardest pin in the whole game. It is such a huge pain in the ass that it is not even funny. In order to get this pin you need to kill 4 people in one round with a navel vehicle. Since running over 4 guys with the jet ski is probably not going to work your only option is to use that horrible patrol boat. This is best done in hardcore and with a friend who can drive the boat while you shoot. Play on the maps isle innocentes or laguna presa. Try to park the boat in a well hidden area and shoot the unsuspecting enemies who come around the corner. I have only collected this once so good luck...I will be really pissed if I find out that all you had to do was sit in the boat and shoot your gun from it:evil:
Rocket effieciency pin(100 points)
How to get it: In order to get this pin you need to kill 5 enemies with a rocket launcher. If you are going for vehicles+infrantry use the RPG, if you are going for just infrantry use the carl gustav.
Resupply ops pin( 100 points)
How to get: You need to do 7 resupplies in one round. Just choose the assault kit and lay down an ammo crate in a hot spot were all of your team members are and you should get very quickly.
Squad deathmatch winner(100 points)
How to get it: Grabs some friends, dominate, win. Do those three steps in the order I gave them to get this pin.
Shotgun efficiency pin(100 points)
How to get it: To get this pin you need to kill 4 enemies with a shotgun in one round. Just hide in the corner of bases or add the Slugs+Magnum ammo and it will come quick
SMG efficiency pin(100 points)
How to get it: In order to get this pin you need to kill 7 enemies with an SMG in one round. So choose the engineer kit hide in and around the bases and once the enemy is close, light em up.
Sniper rifle efficiency pin(100 points)
How to get it: You need to get 7 kills in one round with any of the sniper rifles. To do this I suggest playing any hardcore map, but Isle innocentes and laguna presa seem to be the best. The GOL sniper is the most accurate bolt action one, but use the semi auto ones if you are not really that good. When going for headshots at a distance remember to aim a little above the head.
Surveillance ops pin(100 points)
How to get it: You need to choose the recon kit for this one. Press left on the D-pad. See that little ball in your hand, that is a motion mine. Throw that in any area that you know enemies will be coming from. They will light up on you and your team mates map like a Christmas tree, if one of you team members kills an enemy while they are spotted by your motion mine, you get an assist. Achieve that five times in one round to get this pin.
Savior pin(100 points)
How to get it: To achieve this pin you will need to do 2 savior kills. Savior kills are when an enemy is shoot at one of your team mates but before they kill them you kill the enemy, This happens plenty of times by complete mistake and just by being there.
Squad member pin(100 points)
How to get it: To obtain this pin you will need to complete one attack order and one defend order. When one of your team mates presses select over the base they will say something on the lines of "Lets attack this area" or "lets defend this area" if you plant a charge when that happens you get rewarded for good attacking conduct, kill an enemy while defending and you get rewarded for good defending conduct, get both in one whole game and you get this pin.
Squad rush winner(100 points)
How to get it: Get friends, dominate, win. Do those three steps in a squad rush game to obtain this pin.
Rush winner(100 points)
How to get it: Just win a round of rush.
Tank warfare pin
How to get it: You will need to kill 7 enemies with tanks. This is best done on the map Arica harbor cause there are plenty of them. This is not really that hard. You can either turn on warheads which gives the tank cannon a power upgrade or alt fire to help take out the infrantry unites on foot.
Wheels of hazzard pin.
How to get it: Possible one of the hardest pins to get. You need to run over 3 enemies in one round. That sounds easy but it really ain't. I am not even going to suggest using the ATV or tanks. Get the UAV and play hardcore, put it on a map like isle innocentes. Now wait for the snipers to get in position on the other team and then slam your UAV into them, it may take a few tries to get this one because it is challenging but stick with it and you shall be rewarded.
Well that is the pin section. Next part will be the Insignias.
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